Certificate of Registration on Change of Name to UNITAB Ltd

Document date:  Mon 02 Dec 2002
Published:  Tue 03 Dec 2002 00:00:00
Document No:  150210
Document part:  A
Market Flag:  N

TAB QUEENSLAND LIMITED                        2002-12-02  ASX-SIGNAL-G

HOMEX - Brisbane                                                      

In accordance with a shareholders' special resolution made on 25
October 2002, TAB Queensland Limited has today changed its name to
UNiTAB Limited. A copy of the "Certificate of Registration on Change
of Name" is attached. The Company anticipates that its ASX code will
change from "TQL" to "UTB" on Wednesday 4 December 2002.

R Cooke 

A copy of the full announcement, including Certificate is available in
PDF format on www.asx.com.au. Alternatively it is available for
purchase from ASX Customer Service on 1 300 300 279.
