Aberdeen launch Active Index Fund (mFund code: AFZ25)
Aberdeen launch a new fixed income fund
Aberdeen Asset Management is the investment manager and responsible entity of the Aberdeen Active Index Income Fund.
Aberdeen is a global investment management group, managing assets for both institutional and retail clients from offices around the world across a range of asset classes. Aberdeen has had a presence in the Australian market since 2000.
Aberdeen is pleased to offer the Aberdeen Active Index Fund on mFund (via mFund code AFZ25).
The Aberdeen Active Index Fund is an actively managed portfolio of Australian fixed income securities that aims to provide a monthly income stream for investors across all market conditions, while looking to protect capital.
The Fund aims to outperform the Bloomberg AusBond Composite Bond Index over the medium to long term (3 years plus), in order to deliver an index-like return after fees.
Investors in the Fund can access:
- A low cost solution aiming to deliver index returns after fees, unlike traditional passive solutions which deliver index returns before fees.
- A defensive asset class to complement equity exposure.
- A regular income stream.
- A simple solution: liquid assets including cash and bonds, with no derivatives.
- Active management with credit and security selection skills.
- Robust risk oversight and risk management.
- A complementary fit with other fixed income solutions.
Click through to view Aberdeen’s ‘The Fables of Fixed Income’, a short animated series of cautionary tales to consider when investing in bonds.
For more info please visit the Fund information page or the Aberdeen website.