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One Managed Investment Funds Limited and Lakehouse Capital issue global growth fund (mFund code: LKH01)

New to mFund
26 March 2018

Access the Lakehouse Global Growth Fund via mFund code: LKH01

Access the Lakehouse Global Growth Fund via mFund code: LKH01

Lakehouse Capital is a Sydney-based boutique fund manager focused on two concentrated, high conviction growth strategies: 1) Global, mid- and large-capitalisation businesses, and 2) fast growing small companies in Australia and New Zealand.

What is the Lakehouse Global Growth Fund's strategy?
To invest the majority of assets in a high conviction portfolio of 20 to 40 companies with expected long-term growth, with a focus on mid- and large-capitalisation companies listed in developed markets.

Investee companies typically hold the following attributes:

  1. Strong positions in growing markets.
  2. Pricing power with customers and suppliers.
  3. Durable competitive advantages grounded in: scale, strong brands, network effects, or high customer switching costs.
  4. Aligned and experienced management teams with strong track records of capital allocation.
  5. Conservative balance sheets.
  6. Attractive valuations.

Lakehouse Capital executes a signature high-conviction, low-turnover style. We hold large allocations in a concentrated portfolio of elite businesses and view our stakes in companies as strategic, long-term investments, not trading positions. Bigger picture, we're looking to invest in businesses for three, five, and ten-year stretches.

Our preferred investor is someone that shares our long-term time horizon. Like us, they measure success over years, not months. They know that trends come and go but that proven, repeatable investment processes win out over time.

Lakehouse Global Growth Fund

  • mFund code: LKH01
  • PDS
  • Investment and Portfolio Manager: Joe Magyer

For further information please view this video and visit the Lakehouse Global Growth Fund information page.