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Strategic Global Fund now available on the mFund service (mFund Code: STR01)

New to mFund
16 July 2018

Access the global equities fund via mFund code: STR01

SGF offers investors access to a global fund which specialises in capturing opportunities and creating value through international equity investments. We follow a value-driven investment approach supported by intensive fundamental research, which enables us to invest in strong but undervalued companies around the world. As true investors – not speculators – we take a long-term view that allows us to ignore the random fluctuations of the day and focus on a company’s intrinsic value.

SGF invests with a long-term time horizon and employs a fundamental, bottom-up approach. Independent proprietary research is the key to its investment process. Our investment methodology is applied with the aim of achieving absolute returns for investors. Our regular investor communications provide Investors with in-depth updates on the Fund's portfolio and our investment outlook.

The capital we deploy on behalf of our investors fuels the development of businesses as well as seeking to better secure our investors' futures.

Our investment approach is simple: We invest in listed businesses with a focus on identifying hidden or unrealised value, often in investment themes that play out over years. In studying investment opportunities we develop a deep understanding of the sectors and companies while performing rigorous fundamental research allowing us to identify unique situations that we anticipate will create value for our investors.

The Strategic Global Fund is a registered managed fund based in Australia that offers investors the opportunity to invest in international shares. We create value for our investors by searching for compelling opportunities which have been overlooked in global share markets. We pride ourselves on presenting a fresh perspective for investors.

As a way of narrowing our potential investment universe, we invest primarily in the securities of companies that are in transition in some manner. We seek out situations in which the market provides the opportunity to arbitrage what an emotional investor will pay for, or sell a business versus its underlying intrinsic value. The combination of a selective approach, rigorous research, attention to detail and a deep understanding of risk, creates our opportunities.

The Fund Manager of SGF, JBS Investments, has 10 years’ wholesale funds management experience and follow this investment philosophy:

  • Disciplined and distinctive investment process
  • Global equities are our sole focus
  • Australian based


How to invest with SGF - and the Fund Information Page.

The latest performance update may be accessed here:

Disclaimer: The responsible entity for the Fund is One Managed Investment Funds Limited (ACN 117 400 987) (AFSL 297042) (“OMIFL”).The information contained in this document was not prepared by OMIFL but prepared by other parties. All of the commentary, statements of opinion and recommendations contain only general advice and have not taken into account your personal circumstances. This report contains general financial product advice only. Any investment in the Strategic Global Fund need to be made in accordance with and after reading the Product Disclosure Statement and Additional Product Disclosure Statement dated 6 December 2017.The opinions, advice, recommendations and other information contained in this report, whether express or implied, are published or made by JBS Investments Australia Holdings Limited (JBS) in good faith in relation to the facts known at the time of preparation. Information is current as at the date of this report. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Limitation of liability: Whilst all care has been taken in preparation of this report, to the maximum extent permitted by law, neither JBS or OMIFL will be liable in any way for any loss or damage suffered by you through use or reliance on this information. JBS and OMIFL’s liability for negligence, breach of contract or contravention of any law, which cannot be lawfully excluded, is limited, at JBS’s option and to the maximum extent permitted by law, to resupplying this information or any part of it to you, or to paying for the resupply of this information or any part of it to you.