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New to mFund: Aoris International Fund (Unhedged & Hedged)

New to mFund
22 September 2020

Invest in these funds via mFund codes AOS01 (Unhedged) & AOS02 (Hedged)

Aoris Investment Management is pleased to bring investors access to the Aoris International Fund on the mFunds platform.


Snapshot of the new mFund
The Aoris International Fund provides investors with an ethically aware, concentrated portfolio (max 15 stocks) of high quality international companies. 

A high-quality business has an identifiable and understandable ‘moat’ or set of competitive advantages. These competitive strengths can include superior product or service quality; an esteemed brand and reputation; a corporate culture that attracts and retains the best people; scale; distribution strength or proprietary technology.  Aoris has a bias towards owning businesses that supply a product or service that is critical to its customer’s outcome, such as the quality of the final product or efficiency of their manufacturing operation; where the benefit is measurable; and whose price is modest relative to the value delivered. Aoris also look for breadth, a business that has been successful in many end markets and across many geographies is far more resilient than a narrow, one-trick pony.

The Portfolio Manager Stephen Arnold has been investing Internationally for over 28 years. Over six years to June 2017 Stephen managed the award winning $1.0bn+ Evans & Partners International Fund and generated returns which outperformed more than 90% of a broad peer group of international funds over the same period (Source: Zenith).

Investors can read the Owner’s Manual for a deep dive into the investment approach.

Fund objective
The Aoris International Fund aims to achieve absolute returns after fees of 8–12% p.a. over a market cycle, which they consider to be seven years. Aoris also expect to meaningfully outperform their benchmark (MSCI AC World Index ex-Australia Net).

Access our website for more information including the portfolio manager’s latest insights, or go to the Fund Information page -


This information has been prepared by Aoris Investment Management Pty Ltd ABN 11 621 586 552 (Aoris). Aoris Investment Management Pty Ltd (AFSL License 507281). Units in the fund referred to herein are issued by Trust Company of Australia (ABN 45 003 278 831, AFSL License No 235150). Past performance is not indicative of future results and no person guarantees the future performance of the fund or that the objectives of the fund will be achieved. This material has been provided for general information purposes only and must not be construed as investment advice. It does not take into account the investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any particular person. Investors should consider obtaining profession investment advice tailored to their specific circumstances and should read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) in full before making an investment decision. The PDS for the fund is available at or can be obtained by contacting Aoris directly.