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Upcoming Dividend dates

Upcoming ASX dividend dates for FY24* are detailed below:

Half-year interim dividend

Ex-dividend date1 March 2024
Record date for dividend entitlements4 March 2024
Dividend reinvestment plan (DRP) election cut-off date5 March 2024
Payment date27 March 2024
DRP share issue date27 March 2024

Full-year final dividend

Ex-dividend date21 August 2024
Record date for dividend entitlements22 August 2024
DRP election cut-off date                                                              N/A**
Payment date20 September 2024
DRP share issue dateN/A**

* The determination of a dividend is subject to Board approval and the dates listed above remain subject to change.

** The Board has determined that the DRP will not apply to the final dividend for FY24.

Payment of dividends

Dividend payments will be made by direct credit to ASX shareholders with registered addresses in Australia or New Zealand. Cheques will only be issued to shareholders with a registered address outside of Australia and New Zealand.

This ensures shareholders receive their dividends in a fast, efficient and secure way.

What shareholders need to do to update their dividend payment instructions

Shareholders who have not provided details of their nominated bank account need to do so to make sure their dividends are paid promptly.

Viewing and updating your dividend payment details is easy. Shareholders can view their dividend payment instructions and access their customised Direct Credit Payment Form online. To log in, you will need your Securityholder Reference Number (SRN) or Holder Identification Number (HIN), as well as the postcode recorded on your holding record.

The Direct Credit Payment Form can be submitted by either of these two options:

For further information, shareholders can contact Link Market Services on:

Exchange rates for New Zealand

Direct credit payments to shareholders with registered addresses in New Zealand will involve a currency conversion prior to the dividend payment being made (from Australian Dollars (AUD) to New Zealand Dollars (NZD)). The exchange rate will be set after the dividend record date.

ASX's Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRP)

In respect of its most recent dividend (the FY24 full-year final dividend), the ASX Board has determined that ASX's DRP will not apply.


Overview of DRP

The DRP enables eligible shareholders to re-invest dividends to which the DRP applies in additional ASX shares. The ASX Board will determine whether the DRP applies to each dividend at the time it determines that dividend. ASX will announce whether the DRP applies to a dividend when that dividend is announced. The DRP is available to Australian and New Zealand resident shareholders only.

Participation in the DRP allows shareholders to acquire additional ASX shares. Eligible shareholders who participate in the DRP will receive dividends in fully paid ordinary shares in ASX Limited instead of monetary payment to the extent of their nominated level of participation. No brokerage, commission or other transaction costs will be payable by shareholders on the acquisition of shares under the DRP. Shareholders who are not participating in the DRP will continue to receive dividends by monetary payment as set out under “Payment of dividends” above.

ASX's DRP booklet contains information in relation to the DRP. A copy of the Plan Rules of the DRP is included in the booklet. This should be read carefully before deciding whether to participate in the DRP.

Any information provided by ASX Group in the booklet is of a general nature only and does not take into account shareholders’ personal objectives, financial situation and needs. Shareholders should consult their own financial or legal adviser if they are unsure about the best option for them. Taxation advice should also be sought.


Commencing, varying or cancelling participation in the DRP

Shareholders who wish to commence, vary or cancel their participation in the DRP can:

Even if you have opted to receive your communications from ASX by post, you may still update your DRP election electronically.

A personalised DRP Instruction Form can be obtained by contacting the share registry.

For a DRP election to be effective in respect of a particular dividend, it must be received by the share registry by 5:00 pm (Sydney time) on the applicable DRP election cut-off date.