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Listings Compliance 

Listings Compliance monitors and enforces compliance by listed entities with the ASX Listing Rules and by issuers of investment products with the ASX Operating Rules

About Listings Compliance

Listings Compliance is a specialist function established by ASX to monitor and enforce compliance by listed entities with the ASX Listing Rules and by issuers of investment products with the ASX Operating Rules

Click here to read more about ASX's processes for monitoring and enforcing compliance by listed entities with the ASX Listing Rules.

Applications for admission

Listings Compliance assesses whether applications for admission to the ASX official list conform to the ASX Listing Rules and whether applications for the quotation of investment products conform to the ASX Operating Rules.

Detailed information about ASX’s requirements to be admitted to the ASX official list can be found in Listing Rules Guidance Note 1 Applying for Admission– ASX ListingsGuidance Note 4 Foreign Entities Listing on ASX and Guidance Note 29 Applying for Admission – ASX Debt Listings.

Application forms for admission to the official list and for quotation of investment products are available on the ASX Compliance downloads page.

Applications for waivers

Listings Compliance processes applications for waivers of the ASX Listing Rules and the ASX Operating Rules governing the quotation of investment products.

Listing Rules Guidance Note 17 Waivers and in Principle Advice has further information on how to apply for a waiver of the ASX Listing Rules, while ASX Operating Rules Guidance Note 4 Waivers and In-Principle Advice has further information on how to apply for a waiver of the Operating Rules governing the quotation of investment products.

Past waivers of the ASX Listing Rules can be viewed here.

Past waivers of the ASX Operating Rules can be viewed here.


Quick links

Contact details


Exchange Centre
20 Bridge Street
Sydney NSW 2000

Phone: +61 2 8298 1671


Level 50, South Tower, Rialto
525 Collins Street
Melbourne VIC 3000

Phone: +61 2 8298 1671


Level 40, Central Park
152-158 St George's Terrace
Perth WA 6000

Phone: +61 8 9224 0000

ASX acknowledges the Traditional Owners of Country throughout Australia. We pay our respects to Elders past and present.

Artwork by: Lee Anne Hall, My Country, My People
