Cyber security
Governance and strategy
ASX’s Board and management recognise cyber risk as one of the Group’s most critical risks to be managed and mitigated.
The Chief Information Security Officer, who manages the cyber security function, reports to the Chief Information Officer and has independent and direct access to the Chair of the Board Technology Committee. In addition, cyber security is a standing agenda item for the Board Technology Committee whose meetings are attended by the senior cyber security management team.
The Cyber Security team has a Board-approved security strategy which covers a rolling four year period. It is reviewed and approved annually by the Board upon recommendation of the Technology Committee to ensure it remains commensurate with the overall risk environment. The strategy is based on the global National Institute of Standards Technology (NIST) Cyber Security Framework to ensure completeness.
A security roadmap is developed from the strategy, which is a schedule of activities that are required to implement the strategy. Roadmap items may change as the risk environment or priorities change; however, these changes will generally fall within the existing four year strategic window.
The table below provides an overview of some of the key roadmap activities from the FY25-28 cyber security strategy: