Information for presenting companies
ASX SMIDcaps is a one-day conference showcasing emerging ASX-listed companies to our vast network of Australian investors
ASX, in partnership with Bell Financial Group, brings investors up close and personal with emerging companies as they present their vision, strategy and investment proposition. Formerly known as our ASX Small and Mid-Cap Conference, the team is bringing a refreshed look and feel to the event whilst keeping the same fantastic breadth and depth of ASX-listed companies.
Who attends?
SMIDcaps is a hybrid event available to investors from all over the country. Over 200 investors attend in-person at the ASX office in Sydney and more than 500 watch live online. Increasingly, a significant number of investors also choose to watch presentations on-demand. Approximately 85% of attendees identify as new, intermediate and SMSF investors. We also have a number of institutions, analysts and advisors who attend.
When can I apply? The application form to present in the September 2025 ASX SMIDcaps Conference will be accessible on this page from early April 2025.
Why present?
Participating in ASX SMIDcaps Conference is a fantastic opportunity to engage with the retail investor community. Companies engage with investors during a 5-minute Q&A following their presentation. The Q&A is moderated by an ASX staff member who will ask questions that have been submitted by investors through the event platform. It is an engaging and popular feature of the conference. There is also an opportunity for your company to have a trade stand on the day, giving investors 1:1 access to ask questions. Companies are invited to stay for the post event networking drinks also.