• publish

Important information about market announcements

Listed entities and other issuers of ASX quoted products release announcements to the market through the ASX Market Announcements Platform. Market announcements are then made available on the ASX website and through data providers including IRESS, ThomsonReuters, Bloomberg, and Morningstar.

The availability of market announcements may occasionally be delayed or interrupted by technical difficulties. This type of delay or interruption to the availability of a market announcement that has been given to the ASX’s Market Announcements Office does not mean that the listed entity or other issuer has breached its continuous disclosure obligations to notify ASX of market-sensitive information.

ASX does not represent or warrant that market announcements or announcement headlines will be made available on the ASX website promptly after their release by ASX’s Market Announcements Office or at all. Market announcements that have not been made available on the ASX website may be made available through external providers. The access to and use of information made available on the ASX website, including market announcements, is subject to the Terms of Use. Without limiting the generality of those terms, ASX and its related bodies corporate and their respective suppliers and licensors accept no responsibility for any claim, loss or damage arising from the display or non-display of information on the ASX website.

Market announcements released from 1 November 2002 onwards are available on the ASX website in PDF format. Earlier market announcements are available as edited text versions. Announcements prior to 1996 are available from State libraries or you may purchase a full copy of an announcement. 

Company reporting calendars

ASX makes announcements available on www.asx.com.au in a two-step process:

  1. Announcement headline
  2. Full announcement PDF


Announcement headline

After an announcement is released to the market by ASX's Market Announcements Office, the headline of the announcement is also posted on ASX's website.

Normal business hours for the ASX Market Announcements Office are 8:30am to 7:30pm (8:30pm during daylight saving) Sydney time, Monday to Friday on ASX Trading Days.

For detailed information on the operation of ASX’s Market Announcements Office and Market Announcements Platform see ASX Listing Rules Guidance Note 14 – ASX Market Announcements Platform.


Full announcement PDF

The full announcement in PDF format is usually available on the website soon after the headline of the announcement is posted. However, there may be a delay if the PDF file size is particularly large. Please refer to PDF tips for advice on how to minimise delays in downloading large PDF documents. Announcements in PDF format are available on the site from 1 November 2002.

Viewing a PDF document requires Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you would like more information on Adobe Acrobat Reader, please refer to PDF tips.


Edited text of announcement

Prior to July 2003 announcements were made available as an edited text summary. Lengthy announcements have been published in several parts, with each part being labelled with a letter (as in Part A, B, C) and published individually.


State libraries

Announcements prior to 1996 are available on microfiche at any mainland State Library. Most State Libraries provide free access to announcements, but a small charge may be made if a printed copy is required.


Purchasing a full copy of an announcement

Copies of market announcements dating back to August 1995 are also available by contacting ASX Investor Support via our Contact page. Charges apply for this service and comprise of a $5.50 file access fee and $0.50 per page (price inclusive of GST).


PDF tips

You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the announcements. To view PDF files on any site, you will need a copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader. This can be downloaded for free at the Adobe website.

Many of the PDF announcements are quite large. Some annual reports can be more than 100 pages and several megabytes in size. Files of this size may take some time to download. To minimise this issue, make sure that you are using Adobe Reader version 4 or above.

If you would like to save a copy of the PDF to your computer to allow you to view it whilst not connected to the internet, use the 'diskette icon' which will appear immediately above the PDF once it has loaded. Once you click this icon, a 'save file' dialogue box will appear, prompting for a filename/location to save the PDF. Once you have chosen the location, click the Save button and your download will begin. Depending on the size of the announcement and your connection to the internet, the download can take anywhere between a few seconds to a number of minutes.