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XJO Futures and Options, and ASX SPI 200™ Futures are cash settled against the S&P/ASX 200 Index. ASX Sector Futures are cash settled against the respective underlying index. The S&P/ASX 200 Resources Index Future is cash settled against the S&P/ASX 200 Resources Index and the S&P/ASX 200 Financials-x-A-REIT Index Future is cash settled against the S&P/ASX 200 Financials-x-A-REIT Index.

The settlement price for XJO Futures and Options, ASX SP 200™ Futures, and ASX Sector Futures is determined using the ASX Opening Price Index Calculation (OPIC). The OPIC is based on the first traded price of each constituent stock in the index on the expiry day. If a constituent stock does not trade on the expiry day, the last traded price from the previous trading day will be used.

2024 Index derivatives settlement history

S&P/ASX 200 SPI (XJO)S&P/ASX 200 Resources (XJR)S&P/ASX 200 Gross Total Return Index (XJT)S&P/ASX 200 A-REIT (XPJ)S&P/ASX 200 Financials-x-A-REIT (XXJ)S&P/ASX 200 Ex-S&P/ASX 100 TR INDEX (XJS)
ExpiryIndex ValueExpiryIndex ValueExpiryIndex ValueExpiryIndex ValueExpiryIndex ValueExpiryIndex Value
Dec-248149.7Dec-24 5098.3Dec-24 106468.5Dec-24 1723.2Dec-24 9670.9Dec-243785.8
Nov-248359.2Nov-24 5293.8Nov-24 109162.4Nov-24 1803.4Nov-24 10004.1Nov-243890.5
Oct-248363.5Oct-24 5677.8Oct-24 108815.4Oct-24 1867.7Oct-24 9490.9Oct-243969.2
Sep-248210.6Sep-24 5186.9Sep-24 1006791.5Sep-24 1855.9Sep-24 9550.8Sep-243715
Aug-247852.2Aug-24 5179.2Aug-24 100971.2Aug-24 1716.7Aug-24 8799.6Aug-243652.3
Jul-248210.6Jul-24 5186.9Jul-24 106791.5Jul-24 1855.9Jul-24 9550.8Jul-243715.0
Jun-247762.1Jun-24 5559.7Jun-24 99596.1Jun-24 1660.2Jun-24 8480.4Jun-243592.9
May-247849.5May-24 6007.2May-24 100680.5May-24 1677.4May-24 8213.7May-243708.2
Apr-247594.3Apr-24 5972.2Apr-24 97018.0Apr-24 1575.3Apr-24 7907.6Apr-243596.1
Mar-247768.7Mar-24 5808.7Mar-24 99213.6Mar-24 1668.4Mar-24 8228.5Mar-243689.5
Feb-247554.9Feb-24 5828.4Feb-24 95338.3Feb-24 1558.4Feb-24 7826.3Feb-24N/A
Jan-247323.7Jan-24 5829.6Jan-24 92400.3Jan-24 1430.8Jan-24 7454.8Jan-24N/A

Index derivatives settlement history archive