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ASX Financial Adviser Day

Timely investment insights to help you and your clients, delivered to you online

ASX Financial Adviser Day in partnership with Kaplan Professional

As a leading provider of professional education, ASX is delighted to partner again this year with Kaplan Professional to bring you the latest market information and considerations for your clients’ portfolios at this year’s ASX Financial Adviser Day.

This free, completely virtual conference is your opportunity to stay up to date with everything you need to know moving into the new financial year.

With a focus on international equities for this event, over the course of the day our experts will present on a range of topics impacting global markets from interest rate and geopolitics to AI and the transition to clean energy.

On portfolio construction, investment strategy and client management, our presenters will cover topics such as managed accounts, using instalments over super and accessing bond markets efficiently.

Continue your Financial Adviser Day education with Ontrack.

Kaplan Professional's market-leading continuing education platform, Ontrack, leverages over 25 years of expertise in Australia's financial services education market to provide tailored learning experiences. With a comprehensive suite of state-of-the-art digital modules created by a dedicated team of specialists, Ontrack delivers timely, practical and in-depth content to meet evolving industry demands. 

Join the vibrant Ontrack community of over 40,000 annual subscribers who stay updated on the latest knowledge and regulatory requirements in the ever-evolving financial services landscape. Subscribe now

Dive into topics covered to earn an additional eight (8) FAAA CPD hours through ten (10) modules on Ontrack, Kaplan Professional's market-leading continuing education platform.


On-demand presentations -  ASX Financial Adviser Day, 6 June 2024

Trends in ASX investment products

Presented by ASX

As the Australian ETF market closes in on A$200 billion in funds under management, Rory Cunningham, Senior Manager, Investment Products, ASX will share some of the recent trends we are seeing across ASX Investment Products and key considerations for financial advisers using ETFs and Listed Investment Companies for client portfolios.

Economic update: A return to sound money

Presented by Vanguard

It's been an interesting past year for investors. With peaking interest rates and the world's biggest economies teetering on the brink of recession, Senior Economist of the Asia Pacific Region Grant Feng from Vanguard will set the scene and underscore the major economic trends heading into the new financial year.

Powering portfolios at scale

Presented by Macquarie Asset Management

With active management expanding into the ETF sphere, hear how the latest investment trends are enhancing human decision-making at scale, offering investors access to innovative strategies and tools for portfolio construction. Led by 20+ year veterans Macquarie’s Systematic Investment Co-Heads, Scot Thompson and Benjamin Leung, this session will highlight how quantitative investment tools leverage large data driven models that seek to offer robust and differentiated sources of returns. And with new ETFs, it’s now easier than ever for investors to access the investment approaches traditionally reserved for institutions.  

Investing in decarbonising the planet

Presented by Munro Partners

A shift to a greener future has opened the doors to investment opportunities poised for growth over the coming decades. James Tsinidis will talk through the multitude of investment opportunities that Munro Partners believes will open up as the world decarbonises. Munro sees Climate Change as the biggest investment opportunity since the advent of the internet.

Go beyond indexing

Presented by Dimensional

While investing by tracking an index offers advantages such as low-cost and diversification, you still risk leaving some money on the table. Dimensional Senior Portfolio Manager Slava Platkov shows how you can reap the benefits of indexing but go beyond that with a flexible process that harnesses the information in market prices to systematically target the drivers of higher expected returns. In this session, we also detail the benefits of a transparent, systematic active approach in ETFs to differentiate your business and meet client needs.

Unlocking investment opportunities in bonds

Presented by State Street Global Advisors

The onset of rising interest rates over the past two years has seen swathes of investors flock to cash investments such as high interest savings accounts and term deposits. While this may make sense in the short term, not many investors would consider an investment in cash as the optimal strategy over the long term. So could continuing to invest in cash hurt investors’ ability to achieve their goals? Our speaker from State Street Global Advisors will show you alternative defensive investment opportunities to consider in this new era of higher rates.

Quality first, value investing

Presented by Aoris

The future is inherently unknowable. Aoris, CIO, Stephen Arnold explores why its crucial investors ignore the macro noise and prioritise fundamental, quality investing for long-term investment success. Stephen will talk through Aoris’ unique approach to investing with an emphasis on three of the highest quality all-weather businesses that meet their strict investment criteria.

A renewed focus on managed accounts

Presented by Blackrock

With the rapid changes we have seen in the past year to the macro landscape, advisers have had to adapt quickly to ensure they continue building efficient portfolios for their clients. Uwe Helmes from BlackRock will outline the key market drivers forcing these changes and make the case for why you should consider holding managed accounts as well as highlight what you need to look for when picking a managed account provider.

Investing strategies using instalment warrants within SMSFs and super

Presented by Citi

As SMSFs are unable to borrow money to invest, the possibilities of geared exposure are limited. Instalments are a popular tool and represent one of the few eligible forms of gearing available in the super environment. Elizabeth Tian from Citi will talk through everything you need to know to get started using instalments.

Exploring the power and potential of AI

Presented by Loftus Peak

The exponential growth of AI rolls on in 2024 and some of the most exciting investment opportunities at the moment exist in this space. Hear from our experts from Loftus Peak who will give an overview of the AI industry and how they are finding investment opportunities.

Investing in undervalued growth

Presented by WAM Global

Nick Healy, Portfolio Manager at WAM Global gives a thorough breakdown on how they identify undiscovered quality companies and highlights the four portfolio themes poised for growth in 2024 and beyond.

Taking a pragmatic value approach to investing

Presented by Antipodes

Vihari Ross, Portfolio Manager at Antipodes talks through their rigorous selection process when crafting their unique global shares portfolio. Hear how they leverage cyclical, structural and sociomacroeconomic changes to find opportunities and how they apply their pragmatic value approach to ensure that they always pay the right price for a company.

Are stocks less volatile than bonds?

Presented by Firetrail

Bonds are regarded as the safer and less volatile asset compared to equities but is there a situation where this is not the case? Hear from Anthony Doyle, Head of Investment Strategy at Firetrail will explain how a longer time horizon will reduce the volatility in equities and also pitch his top investment ideas for 2024.

Presenting speakers - June 2024

Headshots - 10


Grant Feng
Senior Economist, Asia Pacific

Scott Thompson Macquarie

Macquarie Asset Management

Scot Thompson
Co-Head of Macquarie Systematic Investments, Portfolio Manager

Benjamin Leung

Macquarie Asset Management

Benjamin Leung
Co-Head of Macquarie Systematic Investments, Head of Research

ASX Investor Day May 22

Munro Partners

James Tsinidis
Portfolio Manager

Copy of Headshots 200x200px - 1
Dimensional Logo


Anastasia Anagnostakos
Regional Director

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Dimensional Logo


Slava Platkov
Senior Portfolio Manager & Vice President

Headshots - 11
Investor Day Nov 2022

State Street SDPR ETFs

Marie Tsang
Fixed Income Strategist 

James Holt


Stephen Arnold
Managing Director & Chief Investment Officer

Jacinta King Schlosser


Uwe Helmes
Vice President, Investment Strategist

James Holt


Elizabeth Tian
Director of Equity Derivatives Solutions, Global Markets

James Holt
Loftus Peak

Loftus Peak

Alex Pollak
Chief Investment Officer

Qian Wang


Vihari Ross
Portfolio Manager 

Nick Griffin

WAM Global

Nick Healy
Portfolio Manager

Nick Griffin


Anthony Doyle
Head of Investment Strategy

Nick Griffin


Rory Cunningham
Senior Manager, Investment Products

Past presentations

Adviser DayJune 2022Full playlistWatch now on YouTube  ▶
Adviser Day
June 2023Full playlistWatch now on YouTube  ▶

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ASX Limited and its related bodies corporate (“ASX”) will use the information (including personal information) that you provide on the registration form for the ASX Online Adviser Day 2022 (“Adviser Day”) to process and manage your registration for the Adviser Day. ASX will also disclose your information (including personal information) to Kaplan Education Pty Limited and its related bodies corporate (“Kaplan”) for the purpose of Kaplan providing you with access to the Ontrack modules and CPD accreditation in connection with the Adviser Day. If you do not provide this information, ASX will be prevented from registering you for the Adviser Day and Kaplan will be prevented from providing you with the Adviser Day Ontrack modules and CPD accreditation. ASX will maintain your information until you request us to delete it from our systems or until it is no longer needed by us for a purpose permitted under applicable data protection laws. ASX may also use your personal information for the purposes set out in the ASX Privacy Statement. ASX will not disclose your information to any other third party unless required to do so by law or you consent to the disclosure. Please see ASX’s Privacy Statement or email us at privacy@asx.com.au for details on how ASX processes personal information, your rights in relation to your personal information held by ASX and how to contact us or make a complaint.

ASX acknowledges the Traditional Owners of Country throughout Australia. We pay our respects to Elders past and present.

Artwork by: Lee Anne Hall, My Country, My People
