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ASX appreciates the impact of BBY’s insolvency on investors – including those BBY clients who wish to transfer their holdings to a new broker, or who wish to understand the impact on them of the close out of their positions as a consequence of BBY’s insolvency. ASX can confirm the following:

  • For BBY clients who wish to transfer their sponsored holdings to a new sponsoring broker – On Friday 3 July 2015 ASX Settlement Pty Limited (“ASX Settlement”) suspended BBY’s participation in the ASX Settlement Facility (the facility that settles transactions and records holdings in securities, warrants and certain other financial products that trade on the ASX market and certain other licensed markets).

    This means that all CHESS Holdings that were sponsored by BBY will need to be moved from the control of BBY. On Monday 6 July 2015 ASX mailed a notice to all BBY sponsored holders outlining details of the choices they can make about their holdings. In summary, holders sponsored by BBY have a choice to:

i. Maintain the registration of their financial products on the CHESS subregister by appointing a new sponsoring broker for their CHESS holdings; or

ii. Converting their CHESS holdings to issuer sponsored holdings.

The notice advises BBY sponsored holders to action a CHESS holding transfer or conversion request by Friday 16 October 2015. Further detail of the process outlined in the letter is set out in question 6 below. If a valid instruction is not received by that the cut-off date then ASX Settlement will convert those CHESS holdings to issuer sponsored holdings.
For further information on holdings on the CHESS subregister and issuer sponsored subregister please refer to the fact sheet here.

For BBY clients who are seeking information about the close out of their positions – On Friday 5 June 2015 ASX provided the external administrators with a complete reconciliation of the default close out of BBY’s positions. The provision of this information to the external administrators will assist them in finalising the books and records of BBY including client account records.

ASX Clear has released from its control collateral lodged as security for BBY’s obligations on BBY’s client related derivative accounts that was not used to meet the cost of close out of derivative positions in those accounts.

ASX intends to pay the remaining cash margin on BBY’s client related derivative accounts to BBY as soon as the client trust account details are received from BBY’s Receivers & Managers and Liquidators.

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