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Listing considerations

When listing your company with ASX, you will need to consider your company strategy, requirements and timelines

Find out how to list your company

Is listing for you?

Find out whether listing with ASX is appropriate for your company and its long-term strategic goals. It is important for you to consider the benefits and potential obligations of being a publically listed company.

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Listing requirements

To list with ASX, a company must satisfy the minimum admission criteria, including structure, size and number of shareholders.

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The listing process

ASX's streamlined process means that your company could be listed within five months of appointing your advisors. 

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Listing fees

ASX charges an initial fee upon listing and an annual fee while the company remains listed.

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ASX support for listed companies

Once you have listed your company with ASX, you can enjoy the advantages available to around 2,000 other ASX-listed companies. ASX provides services to listed companies that help facilitate market liquidity and access to capital.

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Guides, rules and resources

Our comprehensive range of guides and resources will help you navigate the listing requirements and process. 

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