ASX has operating rules that regulate the conduct of issuers and participants in its financial markets and clearing and settlement facilities.
If you are concerned that an issuer or participant who is subject to ASX's rules has breached those rules or engaged in some other form of misconduct, you are encouraged to report this to ASX.
Please complete the form below to report a breach of ASX's rules or other misconduct by:
- an ASX listed entity,
- an issuer of ASX quoted investment products, or
- an ASX participant.
See below for the meaning of these expressions.
Before completing this form, we recommend you first read our Reporting Misconduct FAQs for additional guidance.
Alternatively, click:
- here to make a complaint about a benchmark administered by ASX about ASX's performance as a benchmark administrator, or
- here to provide feedback about an ASX product or service.
An ASX listed entity means a company or other entity that is listed on the ASX market.
An issuer of ASX quoted investment product means an issuer of ETFs, managed funds, structured products or warrants that are quoted on the ASX market, or an issuer of of managed funds that are settled through the mFund settlement service.
An ASX participant means:
- A broker or other participant admitted to operate in the ASX or ASX 24 markets,
- A clearer or other participant admitted to operate in the ASX Clear or Clear (Futures) facilities,
- A settlement agent or other participant admitted to operate in the ASX Settlement facility (CHESS), or
- An Austraclear participant.