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ASX Refinitiv Charity Foundation

Supporting Australian women’s, children's, disability and medical research charities.

markets day for charity

Effie Zahos, Finance editor & commentator Channel 9 Morning Show ringing the opening bell with Dan Chesterman, GM Technology & Data, ASX

Financial markets unite for charity

On Tuesday 31 October 2023, Australia’s financial market industries rallied to raise funds for the ASX Refinitv Refinitiv Charity Foundation. The annual event, supported by principal sponsors ASX and nabtrade, aims to help improve the lives of thousands of Australians. 


Funds raised increase by 26%

This year we raised $800,000 for 16 charities. This is a 26% increase on 2022, when we raised $632,000. We are delighted with this outstanding effort. This year ASX will contribute $250,000 with all cash equity market execution fees earned on the day to be donated to the Foundation.

How the funds support Australian Charities 

100% of the funds from Markets Day for Charity support a range of women’s, children’s, disability and medical research charities. Scroll down for a full list of supported charities.

Get involved and make a difference 

Your organisation can make a difference by being part of the collective power of the financial markets industry and its participants. You can donate either: 

  • a fixed amount,
  • a full day’s revenue, or 
  • a  portion of the day’s revenue.

Plus, if you prefer, you can nominate a charity of your choice to receive your donation. 

markets day


Celebrating the fourth Markets Day for Charity (L to R) Dan Chesterman, GM, Technology and Data, ASX, Helen Lofthouse, Managing Director & CEO, ASX, Effie Zahos, Finance editor & commentator for Channel 9 Morning Show, Andrew Kelly, Good Shepherd, Hannah Oakhill, nabtrade, and Nikki Kinloch, CEO, Cure Cancer

To get involved, contact:

Gerard Doyle, General Manager – ASX Refinitiv Foundation

Email: gerard.doyle@lseg.com

Mobile: 0419 983 414       

Website: asxrefinitivcharity.com.au   

If you are a retail investor, show your support by donating to the charities below.


ASX's contribution in 2023 


Thank you to the donors


Our charity partners

How you can get involved

Keen to donate or become one of the benefiting charities, contact the Foundation here

Past Event videos

Watch videos of our past events