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ASX Investment Products - ETPs

Exchange-traded products (ETPs) on ASX offer access to a sizeable market providing variety and choice across over 350 funds.

Equity - Australia

*ASX Code - click on code to view pricing data

ASX CodeTypeFund name
A200ETFBetaShares Australia 200 ETF
IOZETFiShares Core S&P/ASX 200 ETF
MVWETFVanEck Australian Equal Weight ETF
QOZETFBetaShares FTSE RAFI Australia 200 ETF
VASETFVanguard Australian Shares Index ETF
VLCETFVanguard MSCI Australian Large Companies Index ETF

Equity - Australia Small/Mid Cap

*ASX Code - click on code to view pricing data

ASX CodeTypeFund name
EX20ETFBetaShares Australian Ex-20 Portfolio Diversifier ETF
FSMLETFFiretrail Australian Small Companies Fund - Active ETF
IMPQETFeInvest Future Impact Small Caps Fund (Managed Fund)
ISOETFiShares S&P/ASX Small Ordinaries ETF
KSMMFK2 Australian Small Cap Fund (Hedge Fund)
MVSETFVanEck Small Companies Masters ETF
SSOETFSPDR S&P/ASX Small Ordinaries Fund
VSOETFVanguard MSCI Australian Small Companies Index ETF

Equity - Australian Sectors

*ASX Code - click on code to view pricing data

ASX CodeTypeFund name
ALFAETFVanEck Australian Long Short Complex ETF
ATECETFBetaShares S&P/ASX Australian Technology ETF
MVBETFVanEck Australian Bank ETF
MVRETFVanEck Australian Resources ETF
OZFETFSPDR S&P/ASX 200 Financials ex A-REITs Fund
OZRETFSPDR S&P/ASX 200 Resource Fund 
OZXXETFGlobal X Australia ex Financials & Resources ETF
QFNETFBetaShares S&P/ASX 200 Financials Sector ETF 
QREETFBetaShares S&P/ASX 200 Resources Sector ETF 

Equity - Australia Strategy

*ASX Code - click on code to view pricing data

ASX CodeTypeFund name
AASFETFAirlie Australian Share Fund (Managed Fund)
ALPHETFSchroder Global Equity Alpha Fund - Active ETF
AQLTETFiShares Edge MSCI Australia Multifactor ETF
AUMFETFiShares Edge MSCI Australia Multifactor ETF
AUSTETFBetaShares Managed Risk Australian Share Fund (Managed Fund)
AYLDETFGlobal X S&P/ASX 200 Covered Call ETF
BBOZETFBetaShares Australian Strong Bear (Hedge Fund)
BEARETFBetaShares Australian Equities Bear (Hedge Fund)
DACEETFDimensional Australian Core Equity (Managed Fund)
DCORETFDaintree Core Income Fund Active ETF
ETFDimensional Australian Value Trust Active ETF
DVDYETFVanEck Morningstar Australian Moat Income ETF
EIGAETFeInvest Income Generator Fund (Managed Fund)
EINCETFBetaShares Martin Currie Equity Income Fund (Managed Fund)
FAIRETFBetaShares Australian Sustainability Leaders ETF
FHCOETFFidelity Australian High Conviction Active ETF
G200ETFBetashares WealthBuilder Aus200 Geared Complex ETF
GEARETFBetaShares Geared Australian Equity Fund (Hedge Fund)
GIVEETFPerpetual ESG Australian Share Fund (Managed Fund)
GMVWETFVanEck Geared Australian Equal Weight Fund (Hedge Fund)
GRNVETFVanEck MSCI Australian Sustainable Equity ETF
HVSTETFBetaShares Australian Dividend Harvester Fund (Managed Fund)
IESGETFiShares Core MSCI Australia ESG ETF
IHDETFiShares S&P/ASX High Dividend Yield ETF
IIGFETFIntelligent Investor Australian Equity Income Fund (Managed Fund)
IMLCETFInvestors Mutual Concentrated Australian Shares Fund (Quoted Managed Fund)
INESETFIntelligent Investor Ethical Share Fund (Managed Fund)
INIFETFIntelligent Investor Australian Equity Income Fund (Managed Fund)
MFOAETFMilford Australian Absolute Growth Fund (Hedge Fund)
MQAEETFMacquarie Core Australian Equity Active ETF
MTUMETFBetashares Australian Momentum ETF
ETFiShares Edge MSCI Australia Minimum Volatility ETF
PGA1ETFPlato Global Alpha Fund Complex ETF
R3ALETFMartin Currie Real Income Fund – Active ETF
RARIETFRussell Australian Responsible Investment ETF
RDVETFRussell High Dividend Australian Shares ETF  
SMLLETFBetaShares Australian Small Companies Select Fund (Managed Fund)
SWTZETFSwitzer Dividend Growth Fund (Managed Fund)
SYIETFSPDR MSCI Australia Select High Dividend Yield Fund 
VETHETFVanguard Ethically Conscious Australian Shares ETF
VHYETFVanguard Australian Shares High Yield ETF
YMAXETFBetaShares Australia Top20 Equity Yield Max Fund
ZYAUETFGlobal X S&P/ASX 200 High Dividend ETF

Equity - Global

*ASX Code - click on code to view pricing data

ASX CodeTypeFund name
BAORETFAoris International Fund (Class B) (Unhedged) (Managed Fund)
BGBLETFBetaShares Global Shares ETF
CGHEETFClaremont Global Fund (Hedged) (Managed Fund)
CGUNETFClaremont Global Fund (Managed Fund)
DAORETFAoris International Fund (Class D) (Hedged) (Managed Fund)
DFGHETFDimensional Global Core Equity AUD Hedged (Managed Fund)
DGCEETFDimensional Global Core Equity Unhedged (Managed Fund)
ESGIETFVaneck MSCI International Sustainable Equity ETF
F100ETFBetashares FTSE 100 ETF
H100ETFBetashares FTSE 100 Currency Hedged ETF
HEURETFBetashares Europe ETF - Currency Hedged
HGBLETFBetaShares Global Shares Currency Hedged ETF
HNDQETFBetashares NASDAQ 100 ETF - Currency Hedged
HQUSETFS&P 500 Equal Weight Currency Hedged ETF
IEUETFiShares Europe ETF
IHOOETFiShares Global 100 AUD Hedged ETF
IHVVETFiShares S&P 500 AUD Hedged ETF
IHWLETFiShares Core MSCI World ex Australia ESG (AUD Hedged) ETF
IJHETFiShares S&P Midcap ETF
IJRETFiShares S&P Small-Cap ETF
IOOETFiShares S&P Global 100 ETF
IVVETFiShares S&P 500 ETF
IWLDETFiShares Core MSCI World ex Australia ESG ETF
QUSETFBetashares S&P 500 Equal Weight ETF 
RSSLETFGlobal X Russell 2000 ETF
U100ETFGlobal X US 100 ETF
VEUETFVanguard All-World ex US Shares Index ETF
VEQETFVanguard FTSE Europe Shares ETF 
VGADETFVanguard MSCI Index International Shares (Hedged) ETF
VGSETFVanguard MSCI Index International Shares ETF
VTSETFVanguard US Total Market Shares Index ETF
WRLDETFBetashares Managed Risk Global Share Fund (Managed Fund)
WXHGETFSPDR World ex Australia Carbon Control (Hedged) Fund
WXOZETFSPDR S&P World ex Australia Carbon Control Fund

Equity - Global Sectors

*ASX Code - click on code to view pricing data

ASX CodeTypeFund name
ACDCETFGlobal X Battery Tech & Lithium ETF
ARMRETFBetashares Global Defence ETF 
ATOMETFGlobal X Uranium ETF
BNKSETFBetaShares Global Banks ETF - Currency Hedged
BUGGETFGlobal X Cybersecurity ETF
CLDDETFBetaShares Cloud Computing ETF
CLNEETFVanEck Global Clean Energy ETF
CRYPETFBetashares Crypto Innovators ETF
CUREETFGlobal X S&P Biotech ETF
DFNDETFVanEck Global Defence ETF 
DRIVETFBetaShares Electric Vehicles and Future Mobility ETF
DRUGETFBetaShares Global Healthcare ETF - Currency Hedged
DTECETFGlobal X Defence Tech ETF
EDOCETFBetaShares Digital Health and Telemedicine ETF
ESPOETFVanEck Video Gaming and eSports ETF
FHNGETFFANG+ (Currency Hedged) ETF
FOODETFBetaShares Global Agriculture Companies ETF
FUELETFBetaShares Global Energy Companies ETF - Currency Hedged
GAMEETFBetaShares Video Games and Esports ETF  
GARPETFGlobal X S&P World ex Australia GARP ETF
GDXETFVanEck Gold Miners ETF
GMTLETFGlobal X Green Metal Miners ETF
GNDQETFBetashares Wealth Builder Nasdaq 100 Geared (30-40% LVR) Complex ETF 
GXAIETFGlobal X Artificial Intelligence ETF
HACKETFBetaShares Global Cybersecurity ETF
HGENETFGlobal X Hydrogen ETF
HLTHETFVanEck Global Healthcare Leaders ETF
IBUYETFBetaShares Online Retail and E-Commerce ETF
IEATETFBetashares Future of Food ETF
IPAYETFBetaShares Future of Payments ETF
ITEKETFiShares Future Tech Innovators ETF
IXIETFiShares S&P Global Consumer Staples ETF
ETFiShares S&P Global Healthcare ETF
MHOTETFVanEck Morningstar Wide Moat (AUD Hedged) ETF
ETFBetaShares Global Gold Miners ETF - Currency Hedged
MTAVETFBetashares Metaverse ETF
QNDQETFBetashares WealthBuilder Nasdaq Geared Complex ETF
RBTZETFBetaShares Global Robotics and Artificial Intelligence ETF
ROBOETFGlobal X ROBO Global Robotics & Automation ETF
ROYLETFBetashares Global Royalties ETF
SEMIETFGlobal X Semiconductor ETF
TANNETFBetashares Solar ETF
TECHETFGlobal X Morningstar Global Technology ETF
URNMETFBetashares Global Uranium ETF
WIREETFGlobal X Copper Miners ETF
XMETETFBetaShares Energy Transition Metals ETF (ASX: XMET)

Equity - Global Strategy

*ASX Code - click on code to view pricing data

ASX CodeTypeFund name
ADEFETFApostle Dundas Global Equity Fund - Class D units (Managed Fund) 
AGX1ETFAntipodes Global Shares (Quoted Managed Fund)
BBUSETFBetashares US Equities Strong Bear Currency Hedged (Hedge Fund)
CFLOETFBetashares Global Cash Flow Kings ETF
DGSMETFDimensional Global Small Company Active ETF
DGVAETFDimensional Global Value Trust Active ETF
ERTHETFBetaShares Climate Change Innovation ETF
ETHIETFBetaShares Global Sustainability Leaders ETF
FCAPETFFidelity Global Future Leaders Active ETF (ASX: FCAP)
FRGGETFFranklin Global Growth Fund (Managed Fund)
FUTRETFJanus Henderson Global Sustainable Equity Active ETF (Managed Fund)
GCQFETFGCQ Global Equities Complex ETF
GGUSETFBetaShares Geared US Equity Fund Currency Hedged (Hedge Fund)
GHHFETFBetashares WealthBuilder All Gr Geared Complex ETF
GLOBETFBarrow Hanley Global Share Fund (Managed Fund)
GOATETFVanEck Morningstar World Ex Australia Wide Moat ETF
GPEQETFVanEck Global Listed Private Equity ETF (ASX: GPEQ)
HETHETFBetaShares Global Sustainability Leaders ETF - Currency Hedged 
HHIFETFHejaz High Innovation Active ETF
HJHIETFHejaz High Income Active ETF
HJZPETFHejaz Property Fund (Managed Fund) 
HQLTETFBetaShares Global Quality Leaders ETF (Currency Hedged)
HVLUETFVanEck MSCI International Value (AUD Hedged) ETF
HYGGETFHyperion Global Growth Companies Fund (Managed Fund)
IISVETFIntelligent Investor Select Value Share Fund (Managed Fund)
INCMETFBetaShares Global Income Leaders ETF
ISLMETFHejaz Equities Fund (Managed Fund)
JEGAETFJPMorgan Global Equity Premium Income Complex ETF
JEPIETFJP Morgan Equity Premium Income Active ETF (Managed Fund)
JGLOETFJPMorgan Global Select Equity Active ETF
JHGAETFJPMorgan Global Equity Premium Income (Hedged) Complex ETF
JHLOETFJPMorgan Global Select Equity (Hedged) Active ETF
JHPIETFJPMorgan Equity Premium Income Active ETF (Managed Fund) (Hedged)
JNDQETFBetaShares NASDAQ Next Gen 100 ETF
JPEQETFJPMorgan US 100Q Equity Premium Income Active ETF (Managed Fund)
JPHQETFJPMorgan US 100Q Equity Premium Income Active ETF (Managed Fund) (Hedged)
JREGETFJP Morgan Global Research Enhanced Index Equity Active ETF (Managed Fund)
JRHGETFJPMorgan Global Research Enhanced Index Equity Active ETF (Managed Fund) (Hedged)
JZROETFJanus Henderson Net Zero Transition Resources Active ETF (Managed Fund)
L1HIETFL1 Capital International (Hedged) Active ETF
L1IFETFL1 Capital International Fund (Managed Fund)
LENDETFVanEck Global Listed Private Credit (AUD Hedged) ETF
LNASETFGlobal X Ultra Long Nasdaq 100 Hedge Fund
LNYNETFLanyon Investment Fund Active ETF
LPGDETFLoftus Peak Global Disruption Fund (Managed Fund)
LSGEETFLoomis Sayles Global Equity Fund (Quoted Managed Fund)
MAETETFMunro Global Growth Fund (Hedge Fund)
MCCLETFMunro Climate Change Leaders Fund (Mnaged Fund)
MCGGETFMunro Concentrated Global Growth Fund (Managed Fund)
MGOCETFMagellan Global Fund (Open Class) (Managed Fund)
MHGETFMagellan Global Equities Fund Currency Hedged (Managed Fund)
MHHTETFMagellan High Conviction Trust (Managed Fund)
MKAXETFMontaka Global Extension Fund (Quoted Managed Hedged Fund)
MOATETFVanEck Morningstar Wide Moat ETF
MOGLETFMontaka Global Long Only Equities Fund (Managed Fund)
MQEGETFMacquarie Core Global Equity Active ETF
MQWSETFMacquarie Walter Scott Global Equities Active ETF (Managed Fund)
MSTRETFMorningstar International Shares Active ETF (Managed Fund)
NNUKETFNanuk New World Fund (Managed Fund)
NNWHETFNanuk New World Fund (Currency Hedged) Active EFT
PAXXETFPlatinum Asia Fund (Quoted Managed Hedge Fund)
PGTXETFPlatinum Global Transition Fund (Quoted Managed Hedge Fund)
PIXXETFPlatinum International Fund (Quoted Managed Hedge Fund)
QHALETFVanEck MSCI World Ex-Australia Quality (Hedged) ETF
QHSMETFVanEck MSCI International Small Companies Quality (AUD Hedged) ETF
QLTYETFBetaShares Global Quality Leaders ETF
QMAXETFBetaShares Nasdaq 100 Yield Maximiser Fund (Managed Fund)
QMIXETFSPDR MSCI World Quality Mix Fund
QNDQETFBetaShares NASDAQ 100 Equal Weight ETF
QSMLETFVanEck MSCI International Small Companies Quality ETF
QUALETFVanEck MSCI World Ex-Australia Quality ETF
QYLDETFGlobal X Nasdaq 100 Covered Call ETF
RGOSETFRussell Sust Global Opportunities Complex ETF
S3GOETFFiretrail S3 Global Opportunities Fund (Managed Fund) (ASX: S3GO)
SNASETFGlobal X Ultra Short Nasdaq 100 Hedge Fund
SVNPETFSavana US Small Caps Active ETF
T3MPETFJPMorgan Climate Change Solutions Active ETF (Managed Fund)
UMAXETFBetaShares S&P 500 Yield Maximiser Fund (Managed Fund)
UYLDETFGlobal X S&P 500 Covered Call ETF
VDALETFVanguard Diversified All Growth Index ETF
VESGETFVanguard Ethically Conscious International Shares Index ETF
VISMETFVanguard MSCI International Small Companies Index ETF
VLUEETFVanEck MSCI International Value ETF
VMINETFVanguard Global Minimum Volatility Active ETF (Managed Fund)
VNGSETFVanughan Nelson Global SMID Fund (Quoted Managed Fund)
VVLUETFVanguard Global Value Equity Active ETF (Managed Fund)
WCMQETFWCM Quality Global Growth Fund (Quoted Managed Fund)
WDIVETFSPDR S&P Global Dividend Fund
WDMFETFiShares Edge MSCI World Multifactor ETF
WVOLETFiShares Edge MSCI World Minimum Volatility ETF
XALGETFAlphinity Global Equity Fund (Managed Fund)
XASGETFAlphinity Global Sustainable Equity Fund (Managed Fund)
ZYUSETFGlobal X S&P 500 High Yield Low Volatility ETF

Equity - Emerging Markets

*ASX Code - click on code to view pricing data

ASX CodeTypeFund name
EMKTETFVanEck MSCI Multifactor Emerging Markets Equity ETF
EMMGETFBetaShares Martin Currie Emerging Markets Fund (Managed Fund)
EMXCETFiShares MSCI Emerging Markets ex China ETF
FEMXETFFidelity Global Emerging Markets Fund (Managed Fund)
IEMETFiShares MSCI Emerging Markets ETF
VGEETFVanguard FTSE Emerging Markets Shares ETF
WEMGETFSPDR S&P Emerging Markets Carbon Control Fund

Equity - Asia

*ASX Code - click on code to view pricing data

ASX CodeTypeFund name
ASAOETFabrdn Sustainable Asian Opportunities Active ETF (Managed Fund)
ASIAETFBetashares Asia Technology Tigers ETF
CNEWETFVanEck China New Economy ETF
EAFZETFEllerston Asia Growth Fund (Hedge Fund)
FASIETFFidelity Asia Active ETF
FIINETFFidelity India Active ETF 
HJPNETFBetashares Japan ETF - Currency Hedged
IAAETFiShares S&P Asia 50 ETF
IINDETFBetashares India Quality ETF
IKOETFiShares MSCI South Korea ETF
IZZETFiShares China Large-Cap ETF
NDIAETFGlobal X India Nifty 50 ETF
VAEETFVanguard FTSE Asia Ex-Japan Shares Index ETF

Equity - Infrastructure

*ASX Code - click on code to view pricing data

ASX CodeTypeFund name
GLINETFiShares Core FTSE Global Infrastructure (AUD Hedged) ETF
IFRAETFVanEck FTSE Global Infrastructure (Hedged) ETF
MICHETFMagellan Infrastructure Fund (Currency Hedged) (Managed Fund)
PAVEETFGlobal X US Infrastructure Development ETF
VBLDETFVanguard Global Infrastructure Index ETF

Property - Australia

*ASX Code - click on code to view pricing data

ASX CodeTypeFund name
MVAETFVanEck Australian Property ETF
RINCETFBetaShares Martin Currie Real Income Fund (Managed Fund)
SLFETFSPDR S&P/ASX 200 Listed Property Fund
VAPETFVanguard Australian Property Securities Index ETF

Property - Global

*ASX Code - click on code to view pricing data

ASX CodeTypeFund name
DJREETFSPDR Dow Jones Global Real Estate ESG Fund
ETFiShares Core FTSE Global Property Ex Australia (AUD Hedged) ETF
HZJPETFHejaz Property Fund (Managed Fund)
RCAPETFResolution Capital Global Property Securities Fund (Managed Fund)
REITETFVanEck FTSE International Property (Hedged) ETF

Fixed Income - Australian Dollar

*ASX Code - click on code to view pricing data

ASX CodeTypeFund name
1GOVETFVanEck 1-5 Year Australian Government Bond ETF
5GOVETFVanEck 5-10 Year Australian Government Bond ETF
AEDBETFEthical Australian Composite Bond ETF
AGVTETFBetaShares Australian Government Bond ETF
BANKETFGlobal X Australian Bank Credit ETF
BBABETFBetashares Geared Short Australian Government Bond Fund (Hedge Fund)
BHYBETFBetaShares Australian Major Bank Hybrids Index ETF
BNDSETFBetaShares Western Asset Australian Bond Fund (Managed Fund)
BONDETFSPDR S&P/ASX Australian Bond Fund
BSUBETFBetashares Australian Major Bank Subordinated Debt ETF
CREDETFBetaShares Australian Investment Grade Bond ETF
FLOTETFVanEck Australian Floating Rate ETF
FRARETFFranklin Aust Abs Return Bond Fund (Managed Fund)
GGABETFBetaShares Geared Long Australian Government Bond Fund (hedge fund)
GOVTETFSPDR S&P/ASX Australian Government Bond Fund
HBRDETFBetaShares Active Australian Hybrids Fund
HCRDETFBetaShares Interest Rate Hedged Australian Grade Corporate Bond ETF
IAFETFiShares Core Composite Bond ETF
ICORETFiShares Core Corporate Bond ETF
IGBETFiShares Treasury ETF
ILBETFiShares Government Inflation ETF
IYLDETFiShares Yield Plus ETF
OZBDETFBetaShares Australian Composite Bond ETF
PLUSETFVanEck Australian Corporate Bond Plus ETF
QPONETFBetaShares Australian Bank Senior Floating Rate Bond ETF
RCBETFRussell Australian Select Corporate Bond ETF
RGBETFRussell Australian Government Bond ETF
RSMETFRussell Australian Semi-Government Bond ETF
SUBDETFVanEck Australian Subordinated Debt ETF
VACFETFVanguard Australian Corporate Fixed Interest Index ETF
ETFVanguard Australian Fixed Interest Index ETF
VGBETFVanguard Australian Government Bond Index ETF
XGOVETFVanEck 10+ Year Australian Government Bond ETF

Fixed Income - Global

*ASX Code - click on code to view pricing data

ASX CodeTypeFund name
AESGETFiShares Global Aggregate Bond ESG (AUD Hedged) ETF
ALTBETFiShares 15+ Year Australian Government Bond ETF
BBFDETFGeared Short U.S. Treasury Bond Fund – Currency Hedged (Hedge Fund)
DHOFETFDaintree Hybrid Opportunities Fund (Managed Fund)
EBNDETFVanEck Emerging Income Opportunities Active ETF (Managed Fund)
GBNDETFBetaShares Sustainability Leaders Diversified Bond ETF - Currency Hedged
GCAPETFVanEck Bentahm Global Capital Securities Active ETF (Managed Fund)
GGFDETFGeared Long U.S. Treasury Bond Fund – Currency Hedged (Hedge Fund)
GGOVETFBetaShares U.S. Treasury Bond 20+ Year ETF – Currency Hedged
GOODETFJanus Henderson Sustainable Credit Active ETF (Managed Fund)
IHCBETFiShares Core Global Corporate Bond (AUD Hedged) ETF
IHEBETFiShares J.P.Morgan USD Emerging Markets Bond (AUD Hedged) ETF
IHHYETFiShares Global High Yield Bond (AUD Hedged) ETF
IUSGETFiShares U.S. Treasury Bond (AUD Hedged) ETF
JEGAETFJPM Global Equity Premium Income Complex ETF
JHGAETFJPM Gbl Equity Premium Income Hedged Complex ETF
MQDBETFMacquarie Dynamic Bond Active ETF (Managed Fund)
MQIOETFMacquarie Income Opportunities Active ETF (Managed Fund)
MQSDETFMacquarie Subordinated Debt Active ETF
MQYMETFMacquarie Global Yield Maximiser Active ETF
SKUKETFHejaz Sukuk Active ETF (Managed Fund)
TBILETFVanEck 1-3 Month US Treasury Bond ETF
ULTBETFiShares 20+ Year U.S. Treasury Bond (AUD Hedged) ETF 
US10ETFBetashares U.S. Treasury Bond 7-10 Year Currency Hedged ETF
USHYETFGlobal X USD High Yield Bond ETF (Currency Hedged)
USIGETFGlobal X USD Corporate Bond ETF (Currency Hedged)
USTBETFGlobal X US Treasury Bond ETF (Currency Hedged)
UTIPETFBetashares Inflation-Protected U.S. Treasury Bond Currency Hedged ETF
VBNDETFVanguard Global Aggregate Bond Index (Hedged) ETF
VCFETFVanguard International Credit Securities Index (Hedged) ETF
VDIFETFVanguard Diversified Income ETF
VEFIETFVanguard Ethically Conscious Global Aggregate Bond Index (Hedged) ETF
VIFETFVanguard International Fixed Interest Index (Hedged) ETF
XAROETFActiveX Ardea Real Outcome Bond Fund (Managed Fund)


*ASX Code - click on code to view pricing data

ASX CodeTypeFund name
AAAETFBetaShares Australian High Interest Cash ETF
BILLETFiShares Core Cash ETF
ISECETFiShares Enhanced Cash ETF
MMKTETFBetashares Australian Cash Plus Fund (Managed Fund)

Mixed Asset

*ASX Code - click on code to view pricing data

ASX CodeTypeFund name
DBBFETFBetaShares Ethical Diversified Balanced ETF
DGGFETFBetaShares Ethical Diversified Growth ETF
DHHFETFBetaShares Diversified All Growth ETF
DZZFETFBetaShares Ethical Diversified High Growth ETF
GROWETFSchroder Real Return Fund (Managed Fund)
IBALETFiShares Balanced ESG ETF
IGROETFiShares High Growth ESG ETF
VDBAETFVanguard Diversified Balanced Index ETF
VDCOETFVanguard Diversified Conservative Index ETF
VDGRETFVanguard Diversified Growth Index ETF
VDHGETFVanguard Diversified High Growth Index ETF


*ASX Code - click on code to view pricing data

ASX CodeTypeFund name
AUDSETFBetaShares Strong Australian Dollar Fund (Hedge Fund)
USDETFBetaShares U.S Dollar ETF
YANKETFBetaShares Strong US Dollar Fund (Hedge Fund)


*ASX Code - click on code to view pricing data

ASX CodeTypeFund name
BCOMETFGlobal X Bloomberg Commodity ETF (Synthetic)
GLDNETFiShares Physical Gold ETF
GXLDETFGlobal X Gold Bullion ETF 
ETPMAGSPGlobal X Physical Silver
ETPMPDSPGlobal X Physical Palladium
ETPMPMSPGlobal X Physical Precious Metals Basket
ETPMPTSPGlobal X Physical Platinum
GOLDSPGlobal X Metal Securities Australia Limited
NUGGETFVanEck Gold Bullion ETF
OOOETFBetaShares Crude Oil Index ETF-Currency Hedged (Synthetic)
PMGOLDSPPerth Mint Gold
QAUETFBetaShares Gold Bullion ETF (AU$ Hedged)
XCO2ETFVanEck Global Carbon Credits ETF (Synthetic)

Crypto Assets

*ASX Code - click on code to view pricing data

ASX CodeTypeFund name
BTXXETFDigitalX Bitcoin ETF
QBTCETFBetashares Bitcoin ETF
QETHETFBetashares Ethereum ETF

ASX acknowledges the Traditional Owners of Country throughout Australia. We pay our respects to Elders past and present.

Artwork by: Lee Anne Hall, My Country, My People
