ASX public consultations and policy submissions to government
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ASX public consultations and policy submissions to government
Date | Description |
03/03/2025 | On 3 March 2025, ASX released a consultation paper titled Consultation on Release 1 (Clearing Services) – Amendments to Rules and Procedures. To facilitate the implementation of Release 1 of CHESS replacement, ASX is required to amend the:
The proposed amendments to these rules and procedures reflect the solution design for new or changed functionality in Release 1. Responses to the consultation paper are requested by 14 April 2025. |
03/03/2025 | On 3 March 2025, ASX released a consultation paper titled Consultation on Release 1 (Clearing Services) – Amendments to AMO Contractual Terms. To facilitate the implementation of Release 1 of CHESS replacement, ASX is required to amend the contractual terms which underpin the services provided by ASX Clear and ASX Settlement to Approved Market Operators (AMOs). The contractual terms (collectively referred to as the ‘AMO Contractual Terms’) include the:
The proposed amendments to the AMO Contractual Terms reflect the solution design for new or changed functionality in Release 1, and also reflect additional amendments included as part of a five-year review process. Responses to the consultation paper are requested by 14 April 2025. |
Date | Description |
02/12/2024 | On 2 December 2024, ASX released its Response to Consultation on the amendments it proposed in May 2024 to the ASX Clear Operating Rules and Procedures, the ASX Settlement Operating Rules and Procedures, and the Austraclear Regulations and Procedures that relate to the five year review and refresh of the clearing and settlement facility rule books. ASX received five written submissions in response to its Consultation Paper from Clearing Participants and industry bodies. Much of the feedback received in these submissions related to matters that were not the subject of consultation. ASX is considering those matters and will respond to stakeholders bilaterally. ASX also received a number of submissions on a separate Consultation Paper for ASX Clear (Futures) published at the same time that proposed a number of corresponding amendments. Given that the two ASX CCPs have a number of common stakeholders and the feedback is equally relevant to ASX Clear, ASX has also included the feedback in this Response to Consultation. |
02/12/2024 | On 2 December 2024, ASX released a consultation paper outlining proposed changes to the ASX Clear Operating Rules and Procedures that relate to the default management of Cash Market and Derivatives Market products. ASX seeks feedback from clearing participants and end-user clients of Cash Market and Derivatives Market products in relation to ASX’s proposal to introduce a clear and transparent framework for the auctioning of Cash Market and Derivatives Market products by ASX Clear (“ASXCL”) in the event that a clearing participant defaults. Written submissions in response to the consultation paper are requested by Friday 14 February 2024. |
26/11/2024 | On 26 November 2024, ASX published a response paper summarising feedback received to the 2 August 2024 consultation paper titled Consultation on the scope and implementation of CHESS replacement Release 2 (settlement and subregister) and ASX’s response to the feedback. ASX sought industry feedback on ASX’s proposed plan for Release 2 of the CHESS replacement system and received responses from a broad range of stakeholders. Public non-confidential submissions were received from the following respondents:
26/11/2024 | On 26 November 2024, ASX published a response paper summarising feedback received to the 17 April 2024 consultation paper titled CHESS Replacement Partnership Program: Development Incentive Pool Future Milestones Consultation Paper and ASX’s response to the feedback. Public non-confidential submissions were received from the following respondents:
15/11/2024 | On 15 November 2024, ASX released its response to consultation on the amendments it proposed in May 2024 to the ASX 24 Operating Rules and Procedures and ASX Clear (Futures) Operating Rules and Procedures that relate to:
ASX received six written submissions in response to its consultation paper from Clearing Participants and industry bodies. The response summarises the feedback received from the consultation process, ASX’s responses and the key changes ASX intends to make to its proposals in response to the feedback received. |
16/09/2024 | On 16 September 2024, ASX released a consultation paper titled Cash Equities Clearing and Settlement Services: Pricing Policy Consultation Paper and an accompanying set of Q&A. This consultation paper proposes to adopt a new pricing policy for ASX’s clearing, settlement and issuer services (‘CS services’) from 1 January 2025. The cornerstone of the new pricing policy will be the introduction of the Building Block Method (‘BBM’), a widely used pricing model used across regulated industries, to calculate a revenue requirement reflecting the efficient costs of providing our CS services. The pricing policy is designed to ensure, through an annual review, that ASX recovers no more than those costs, including a reasonable return on investment commensurate with the commercial risks involved. There will be no change to the structure or level of CS services prices upon commencement of the pricing policy. However, the pricing policy will introduce new processes designed to provide greater transparency and assurance that users are paying no more than necessary for CS services. The consultation paper seeks feedback on the key elements of the pricing policy, including:
ASX requests that responses are provided via the electronic form available here, by 25 October 2024. If the electronic form is unable to be used, please contact |
2/08/2024 | On 2 August 2024, ASX published a Feedback summary document resulting from the publication of the whitepaper on Considerations for accelerating cash equities settlement in Australia to T+1. ASX sought industry feedback on a potential move to T+1 settlement in Australia, and received responses from a broad range of stakeholders. Public non-confidential submissions were received from the following respondents:
ASX thanks all stakeholders who took the time to provide a response. |
2/08/2024 | On 2 August 2024, ASX published a consultation paper titled Consultation on the scope and implementation of CHESS replacement Release 2 (settlement and subregister). The consultation paper outlines ASX's proposed plan for Release 2 of the CHESS replacement system, seeking feedback on design, scope, schedule, and transition for Release 2, a plan for timing and approach on a potential shift to T+1 settlement cycle, as well as interoperability, testing and industry readiness approaches. ASX welcomes industry views on the proposals outlined in this consultation paper. Written submissions are requested by 13 September 2024. ASX aims to respond to the feedback received in this paper in Q4 2024. ASX will then progressively release detailed timelines, functional specifications, messaging requirements and other documentation related to the implementation of Release 2. |
28/06/2024 | On 28 June 2024, ASX released a response paper summarising feedback received to the 14 March 2024 consultation paper titled CHESS Replacement: Consultation paper on staged implementation approach and implementation of Release 1 (Clearing Services) and ASX’s response to the feedback. This consultation paper sought feedback on:
ASX received 22 written responses from stakeholders including Approved Market Operators, Participants, Software Providers, Industry Bodies and other interested parties. Public non-confidential submissions were received from the following respondents:
ASX thanks all stakeholders that provided written feedback. Given the overall support for a staged implementation, and for the proposed design, scope and schedule for Release 1 of the CHESS Replacement Project, ASX does not propose to make material changes to the Release 1 design and scope proposals as set out in the consultation paper. Some adjustments have been made to the proposed industry testing timeframes for Release 1, which have resulted in corresponding changes to the proposed overall Release 1 timeline. The suite of Release 1 industry testing documentation has also been updated. The Release 1 go-live date will be set with industry stakeholders as part of finalising the Release 1 Cutover and Migration Approach documentation, targeted for publication in Q2 2025. ASX will continue to engage with stakeholder working groups that report to the CHESS Replacement Technical Committee on aspects of testing, cutover and go-live which may need to be further refined over time. |
13/05/2024 | On 13 May 2024, ASX released a consultation paper titled ASX clearing and settlement operating rules review and refresh. This consultation paper outlines proposed amendments that relate to the five year review and refresh of the ASX Clear Operating Rules and Procedures, ASX Settlement Operating Rules and Procedures and Austraclear Regulations and Procedures. This includes enhancements to support continued compliance with clearing and settlement facility licence obligations such as a broader power to request information from participants, a requirement for clearing participants to notify and update contacts to support the use of recovery powers, and a broader emergency power to enable ASX Clear to take action if an undesirable situation or practice develops that is contrary to a fair and effective clearing and settlement facility or the reduction of systemic risk. ASX welcomes feedback from stakeholders on the draft rule amendments. Written submissions are requested by 12 July 2024. |
13/05/2024 | On 13 May 2024, ASX released a consultation paper titled ASX 24 and ASX Clear (Futures) – Change to position reporting framework and review and refresh of operating rules. This consultation paper outlines proposed amendments to the ASX 24 Operating Rules and Procedures and ASX Clear (Futures) Operating Rules and Procedures that relate to:
ASX welcomes feedback from stakeholders on the draft rule amendments. Written submissions are requested by 12 July 2024. |
23/04/2024 | On 23 April 2024, ASX published an industry whitepaper following on from the establishment of the T+1 working group. The ASX Business Committee formed the T+1 Working Group in December 2023 to provide analysis and insights to the Business Committee on settlement cycle compression. Working group members have provided input into this paper. The paper Considerations for accelerating cash equities settlement in Australia to T+1 explores strategic considerations for a potential transition to T+1. Stakeholders are encouraged to provide written feedback by 18 June 2024 via Qualtrics. Feedback will be compiled and shared where appropriate. ASX will aim to publish a summary of feedback in August 2024. |
17/04/2024 | On 17 April 2024, ASX released a consultation paper titled CHESS Replacement Partnership Program: Development Incentive Pool Future Milestones Consultation Paper. This consultation paper invites feedback on the proposed structure of the future payment milestones and allocation of funds under the CHESS Replacement Partnership Program (Partnership Program) Development Incentive Pool. The Partnership Program is designed to encourage continued participation in the CHESS replacement project by supporting eligible participants (Program Participants) to undertake the requisite technological and associated development activities to successfully interface with Release 2 of the CHESS replacement solution. The proposed milestones represent Release 2 critical path milestones that require uplift from eligible Program Participants to support increased engagement and testing activities. ASX welcomes industry feedback on the proposals outlined in this consultation paper, which will be key in helping ASX to make an informed decision regarding a payment milestone structure and allocation of funds that benefits all relevant stakeholders. Written submissions are requested by 15 May 2024. |
14/03/2024 | On 14 March 2024, ASX released a consultation paper titled Consultation Paper on Staged Implementation Approach and Implementation of Release 1 (Clearing Services). This consultation paper discusses the details of the proposed staged implementation of the CHESS replacement solution across two main releases, and seeks industry feedback on a high-level project plan and an indicative timeline for those releases, including their design, scope and timing. It also seeks input on the proposed scope of and implementation approach for Release 1, including system development and testing, technical accreditation, documentation and operational readiness. The proposed first release will implement the new solution for the clearing component of CHESS and Financial Information eXchange (FIX) messaging for trade registration for all market operators, and is designed to minimise disruption for Clearing and Settlement (CS) Participants by maintaining the existing CHESS message interface and business processes, and offering a familiar operational environment. This is the first of two consultation papers seeking feedback on the staged implementation approach to CHESS replacement. Feedback received in response to this consultation paper will inform ASX’s second consultation targeted for Q3 2024 which will seek stakeholder feedback on the proposed Release 2, which will implement the remaining clearing components, settlement and subregister functionality and updated messaging interfaces to participants, registries and payment providers. ASX welcomes industry views on the proposals outlined in this consultation paper. In addition to seeking feedback, this consultation paper is intended to provide information to impacted stakeholders to enable them to commence planning and allocating their own resources to implement CHESS replacement. Written submissions are requested by 24 April 2024. |
Date | Description |
30/11/2023 | On 30 November 2023 ASX release its Response to Consultation Feedback regarding proposed Rule Amendments to facilitate the implementation of ASIC’s updated exchange traded product (ETP) naming expectations. ASX received one non-confidential submission from the Financial Services Council (FSC) and no confidential submissions in response to the ASX Consultation Paper. The FSC represents a range of stakeholders including product issuers, investment managers and financial advisers. ASX thanks the FSC for providing its submission. The response to consultation feedback contains a summary of stakeholder feedback received and ASX’s response to such feedback, including related updates to the draft rule amendments. |
27/11/2023 | On 27 November 2023, ASX released a paper (Response to consultation on the future of the ASX Managed Fund Settlement Service) summarising responses received to the 6 July 2023 consultation paper entitled Consultation on the future of the ASX Managed Fund Settlement Service. The consultation paper sought stakeholder feedback in two key areas:
ASX received 18 written responses from stakeholders including 11 responsible entities/product issuers, 4 Trading/Settlement Participants, a Product Issuer Settlement Participant/Unit Registry, and 2 industry associations. Public non-confidential submissions were received from the following respondents: ASX would like to thank the stakeholders that provided written feedback. This feedback has helped inform ASX’s assessment of the future value that mFund can provide to the Australian market. Based on this assessment, ASX has determined to wind down and close the mFund service with a target removal date for funds by 31 May 2026, a period of approximately two years and six months. Further detail regarding the matters taken into account by ASX are set out in the Response paper. ASX is committed to providing an orderly wind down of the mFund service and will establish an industry working group with stakeholders to facilitate communication during the wind down period and assist with the scheduling of closure activities. |
13/09/23 | On 13 September 2023, ASX released a paper (Summary of Responses - Enhancing the ASX Investment Products Offering) summarising responses received to the 26 April 2022 consultation paper entitled Enhancing the ASX Investment Products Offering. The consultation paper was broad-ranging, seeking submissions from all interested stakeholders on a range of policy issues, including:
This response paper summarises the consultation feedback received by ASX. It does not propose any new policy positions. Given the volume and range of feedback provided, ASX will be considering and prioritising which aspects of the consultation it will seek to progress before releasing a second phase consultation. ASX will update stakeholders accordingly as we progress our analysis. Consultation feedback ASX would like to thank the many stakeholders that have provided written feedback. There were 32 written responses from a broad range of stakeholders including Product Issuers (16), Industry Bodies (6), Participants (3), and other stakeholders (7). Public non-confidential submissions were received from the following respondents:
Relationship with other consultations Since the release of the Consultation Paper ASX has taken steps to progress policy positions on products covered in the consultation as follows:
This response to consultation summarises the feedback received to the matters raised in the 26 April 2022 Consultation Paper only. ASX will engage with the feedback provided in relation to other consultations listed above as set out in their respective consultation materials. Further information For more information, please reach out to Andrew Campion, GM, Investment Products & Strategy: |
11/07/23 | On 11 July, ASX Benchmarks released a consultation paper titled "Consultation for the amendments to the term "Publication" and Reducing the Interbank delivery window". The consultation paper is seeking feedback from market participants on the following proposals:
ASX Benchmarks invites feedback from market participants on the proposals set out in this consultation and any risks or alternative approaches that respondents may wish to raise for consideration. The consultation will be open until 8 August 2023. Please submit your response to |
06/07/23 | On 6 July 2023, ASX Limited and ASX Settlement Pty Limited (together ASX) released a consultation paper entitled Consultation on the future of the ASX Managed Fund Settlement Service. The consultation paper seeks stakeholder feedback in two key areas:
Written submissions are requested by 18 August 2023. |
07/06/23 | On 7 June 2023, ASX released a consultation paper on amendments to the ASX Operating Rules and ASX Settlement Operating Rules to facilitate the implementation of ASIC’s updated exchange traded product (ETP) naming expectations set out in the revised version of INFO 230 released by ASIC in November 2022. This includes amendments to align categories of AQUA products that may be admitted to trading status with ASIC’s updated ETP naming conventions - which no longer contemplate a Managed Fund as an ETP product label (with the only primary labels contemplated for ETPs being Exchange Traded Fund (or ETF) or Structured Product (or Structured)), as well as a number of other structural drafting improvements and tidy-up changes to the AQUA Rules which it is opportune to make at this time. The consultation paper invites feedback from stakeholders on the operation of the draft rule amendments, including any unintended consequences and associated impacts. The consultation paper also identifies some specific amendments in relation to which feedback is sought. Written submissions are requested by 19 July 2023. |
23/05/23 | On 23 May 2023, ASX released a response paper (Consultation 3 Response) summarising and responding to the feedback from the 28 February 2023 Consultation 3 on ASX Market Management – Testing Uplift, Environments and BCP (Consultation 3) The Consultation 3 Response includes the proposed actions ASX will take following the comprehensive program of stakeholder engagement ASX has undertaken since the release of Consultation 3. Consultation 3 was the final of three ASX consultations in response to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission’s (ASIC) Report 708 - ‘ASIC’s expectation for industry in responding to a market outage’. Consultation 3 sought stakeholder feedback across the following five topics:
ASX received 14 written responses from a broad range of stakeholders including Participants (9), industry bodies (2), vendors (2), and a market operator (1). Following the feedback and analysis of the Consultation 3 responses, ASX will now propose to:
ASX will now move to the planning and development stage for these proposals and will update stakeholders accordingly. For more information, please reach out to the ASX contacts listed in the consultation or via your Technical Account Managers. |
28/02/23 | On 28 February 2023, ASX released Market Management Consultation 3: ASX Testing Uplift, Environments and BCP which is the third in a sequence of three consultations that the ASX has undertaken following ASIC’s expectations of market operators set out in ASIC’s Report 708. The first consultation in June 2022 primarily focused on existing procedures and current capabilities during incident management. The second consultation in October 2022 outlined and provided technical details for future enhancements to these procedures and capabilities. In this third market consultation, ASX is providing information and seeking stakeholder feedback across the following topics:
Written submissions should be made by 14 April 2023. |
31/01/23 | On 31 January 2023, ASX released a response paper (Consultation 2 Response) summarising and responding to the feedback from the 31 October 2022 Consultation 2 on ASX Market Management and potential enhancements (Consultation 2). The Consultation 2 Response includes the proposed actions ASX will take following the comprehensive program of stakeholder engagement which ASX has undertaken following the release of Consultation 2. Consultation 2 was the second of three ASX consultations in response to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission’s (ASIC) Report 708 - ‘ASIC’s expectation for industry in responding to a market outage’. Consultation 2 sought stakeholder feedback across the following four proposals:
ASX received 15 written responses from a broad range of stakeholders including participants (9), industry bodies (3), vendors (2) and a market operator (1). Following the feedback and analysis of the Consultation 2 responses, ASX is now proposing to introduce the automated Order and Trade Download Services and a ‘Cancel Only’ Session State. ASX will now move to the planning and development stage for this functionality and will update stakeholders accordingly. ASX will not progress with the development of an intraday reboot capability (turning off and restarting ASX Trade) as the majority of stakeholders were generally unsupportive of introducing this functionality due to the complexity and significant development work required. |
Date | Description |
31/10/22 | Today’s publication of the “ASX Market Management Consultation 2: Potential Enhancements” is the second in a sequence of three consultations that the ASX will be undertaking following ASIC’s expectations of market operators set out in ASIC’s Report 708. Following the feedback received during the first consultation, which primarily focussed upon existing procedures and current capabilities during incidents, this second consultation will outline and provide technical details for potential future enhancements to these procedures and capabilities. The ASX is seeking stakeholder feedback across the following four proposals:
The final section of this second consultation will detail ASX’s policies for disabling certain market components, as set out by ASIC’s Rep 708 Expectation 6. Note: ASX is not seeking feedback on this section, and it is tabled in this document as a technical reference only. As part of ASX’s ongoing commitment to work with all stakeholders during this consultation, we will again, conduct a range of group and one-on-one meetings over the next six weeks. Both ASX and ASIC encourage all stakeholders to engage during this consultation. Submissions can be emailed to and are welcome up to close of business Friday 9th December 2022. For any questions or to arrange a meeting, please contact:
19/10/22 | On 19 October, ASX released a response paper summarising and responding to the feedback from the 28 June 2022 consultation paper on ASX Market Management. The paper includes the proposed actions ASX will take following the consultation. The Market Management consultation was the first of three ASX consultations in response to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission’s (ASIC) Report 708 - ‘ASIC’s expectation for industry in responding to a market outage’ (REP 708). The consultation sought feedback on the following topics:
ASX received 19 written responses from a broad range of stakeholders including participants (11), industry bodies (3), vendors (2), wholesale investors (1), a share registry (1) and a market operator (1). ASX would like to thank the many stakeholders who participated in meetings and the respondents who provided written feedback. |
14/10/22 | Today ASX released a response paper to the December 6 2021 consultation paper on proposed changes to the ASX Trade Cancellation Ranges: Proposals for Change to ETO cancellation ranges and QCR Process. Ten written submissions were received in response to the consultation and ASX would like to thank those who have provided feedback. |
14/10/22 | Today ASX released a response paper to the December 6 2021 consultation paper on proposed changes to the ASX 24 Cancellation Ranges: Proposals for Change to Energy Products and QCR Process. Six written submissions were received in response to the consultation and ASX would like to thank those who have provided feedback. |
29/08/22 | On 29 August 2022, ASX released its response to consultation on the changes it proposed in February 2022 to the ASX Recovery Rules and Handbook to allocate US settlement bank investment losses between the ASX CCPs and their clearing participants. The response sets out the two revisions ASX intends to make to its loss allocation principles in response to the feedback received. It also summarises the key themes from the consultation process and ASX’s reply. ASX received five written submissions in response to its consultation paper from two industry bodies and three clearing participants. |
30/06/22 | On 30 June 2022, ASX released its response to consultation feedback received on the August 2021 CHESS Replacement Tranche 3 and Combined Rule Amendments Consultation Paper. ASX received 8 written submissions in response to its consultation paper, five of which were provided on a confidential basis. The submissions provided on a non-confidential basis are available at the links below: |
28/06/22 | On 28 June 2022, ASX released a Consultation Paper on Market Management. This consultation paper follows a review of actions taken by the ASX during technical issues or outages. The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) published ASIC’s expectations for industry in responding to a market outage (Report 708). The report sets out ASIC’s ‘expectations to support the resilience and robustness of the Australian equity market’ that are applicable to market operators, market participants, and large institutional investors. ASX is committed to working closely with our regulators, technology providers, independent experts, industry associations and customers to strengthen the resiliency and robustness of all the markets we operate, and to address the expectations listed in ASIC’s report about the equity market specifically. A key part of this commitment is a sequence of three market consultations on aspects of ASX’s management of the equity market. These are expected to be conducted in June, September and December 2022.
This first market consultation (June 2022) provides transparency on ASX’s existing market management procedures and how they are applied, and invites feedback on current practices based on the following four areas:
Written submissions should be made by 23 July 2022. |
08/06/22 | On 8th June 2022, ASX released a consultation paper on the fallback language to be applied to the Australian and New Zealand 90 Day Bank Bill Futures in the event of permanent cessation of the 3 month BBSW and/or BKBM benchmark. The consultation requests feedback on:
The proposed changes are in line with global benchmark reform and best practice guidance issued by regulators worldwide to include fallback language in all contractual arrangements. Written submissions in response to the consultation paper are requested by Wednesday 6th July 2022. |
01/06/22 | On 1 June 2022, ASX released its response to submissions received on the March 2022 Discussion Paper - Issuer Services: New Pricing. The changes proposed in the paper were relevant to any issuer of approved financial products that uses or will use ASX Issuer Services. The response summarises the key themes from the consultation process and ASX’s reply. The paper also sets out the confirmed changes and effective date of 1 July 2022. ASX received 9 submissions in response to the Discussion Paper, with 3 provided on a confidential basis. The submissions provided on a non-confidential basis are available at the links below: |
26/04/22 | On 26 April 2022, ASX released a consultation paper entitled Enhancing the ASX Investment Products Offering. The consultation paper is phase one of a two-stage consultation process intended to ensure that ASX’s investment product offering is supported by a clear and consistent rule framework that safeguards the interests of investors, while at the same time providing issuers with the flexibility to innovate and bring new products to market, and without imposing undue compliance costs or burdens. ASX’s investment product offering currently comprises the following product sets regulated by three different rule books:
ASX can see merit in bringing these different rules into closer alignment for the benefit of both investors and issuers. The consultation paper seeks submissions from all interested stakeholders on a range of policy issues relevant to achieving this outcome, including:
To assist stakeholders in making a submission, ASX has prepared a separate submission form listing all of the questions in the consultation paper and providing a space for responses to those questions. The submission form can be downloaded here. After considering the submissions it receives on the policy issues raised in the phase one consultation paper, ASX will proceed to draft proposed changes to its rules, procedures and guidance for investment products. Phase two of the consultation will then seek feedback on the specific changes proposed to ASX’s rules, procedures and guidance for investment products. The consultation paper for phase two is likely to issue in early 2023. Subject to the receipt of the necessary regulatory approvals, it is envisaged that the final changes to ASX’s rules, procedures and guidance for investment products will be released in mid-late 2023, with a view to them coming into effect no earlier than 1 January 2024. Stakeholders who wish to make a submission on the phase one consultation paper are asked to do so in writing by the close of business on Friday 24 June 2022. |
05/04/22 | On 5 April 2022, ASX released a consultation paper entitled Proposed enhancements to the ASX Listing Rules: Continually improving the reputation and integrity of the ASX market. The consultation paper seeks feedback from stakeholders on proposed enhancements to the ASX Listing Rules dealing with:
Stakeholders interested in making a submission on the consultation paper are asked to do so in writing by the close of business on Friday 27 May 2022. ASX will consider all submissions it receives in response to the consultation paper before finalising the proposed rule amendments with ASIC. Subject to the receipt of the necessary regulatory approvals, it is envisaged that the final rule amendments will be released in the third quarter of 2022 and take effect on 1 December 2022. |
21/03/22 | On 21 March 2022, ASX released a consultation paper outlining proposed changes to the ASX Clear (Futures) OTC Rules and Handbook to:
Written submissions are requested by Friday 29 April 2022. |
03/03/22 | On 3 March 2022, ASX released the Discussion Paper Issuer Services: New Pricing. The changes proposed in the paper are relevant to any issuer of approved financial products that uses or will use ASX’s Issuer Services. The changes do not relate to listing fees. ASX welcomes feedback from issuers on the pricing changes outlined in the paper. Written submissions are requested by Thursday 14 April 2022. |
11/02/22 | On 11 February 2022, ASX released a consultation paper outlining proposed changes to the ASX Recovery Rules and Handbook that relate to the allocation of US settlement bank investment losses between the ASX CCPs and their clearing participants ASX seeks feedback from clearing participants in relation to ASX’s proposal to allocate USD settlement bank investment losses in excess of $75m between ASX Clear (Futures) ( ASXCLF) clearing participants based on principles of mutualisation and potential and actual user pays. While all ASXCLF clearing participants will be exposed to a US settlement bank loss, those clearing participants that are in scope for overnight margining, and those clearing participants who have also paid USD funds to ASXCLF in the prior default fund commitment period will each bear a greater proportion of any loss. Written submissions in response to the consultation paper are requested by Friday 25 March 2022. |
01/02/22 | On 1 February 2022, ASX Limited (“ASX”) released a consultation paper entitled Proposed ASX rule amendments to facilitate the listing of CCIVs and certain other collective investment vehicles on the ASX market and the quotation of their products on the ASX AQUA market. The consultation paper seeks feedback on changes ASX is proposing to:
By way of background, a CCIV (short for “Corporate Collective Investment Vehicle”) is a new type of funds management vehicle to be introduced by the Corporate Collective Investment Vehicle Framework and Other Measures Bill 2021 that will operate via one or more sub-funds. The target date for the implementation of that Bill is currently 1 July 2022. ASX wants to be able to offer CCIV sub-funds access to the distribution available on the ASX and AQUA market platforms and to offer investors access via the ASX and AQUA markets to the investment opportunities that CCIV sub-funds will provide. To do this requires changes to the ASX Listing Rules and the ASX Operating Rules. As further background, NFPFs have the benefit of the Asia Region Funds Passport mutual recognition arrangements set out in Chapter 8A of the Corporations Act and explained further in ASIC Regulatory Guide 138 Foreign Passport Funds. Recognised NZ schemes have the benefit of the mutual recognition arrangements set out in Chapter 8 of the Corporations Act and explained further in ASIC Regulatory Guide 190 Offering financial products in New Zealand and Australia under mutual recognition. Currently, however, ASX’s rules do not specifically cater for the listing of NFPFs or recognised NZ schemes or for the admission of their products as AQUA products, a situation which ASX is also seeking to rectify via this consultation. ASX’s proposed rule changes will therefore be of particular interest to entities in the funds management industry and to industry groups and advisers representing those entities. Due to the structure of CCIVs and their sub-funds, however, some significant rationalisation is required to the Listing Rules that refer to, or draw a distinction between, listed companies and listed trusts so that they appropriately apply where the listed entity is a CCIV sub-fund, which has no legal personality and is neither a company nor a trust. These broader changes to the Listing Rules will be of interest to all listed entities and their advisers. Stakeholders interested in making a submission on the consultation paper are asked to do so in writing by the close of business on Friday 18 March 2022. ASX will consider all submissions it receives in response to this consultation before finalising the proposed rule amendments. Subject to the receipt of the necessary regulatory approvals, ASX is aiming to have the amended rules in force on, or as soon as practicable after, 1 July 2022, the Government’s target date for the introduction of its CCIV legislation. |
17/01/2022 | On 17 January 2022, ASX released its response to consultation on the October 2020 proposed changes to capital requirements for ASX Clear Participants. The response to consultation paper includes an outline of the draft rule amendments to give effect to the recalibrated proposal. ASX received seven written submissions in response to its consultation paper, with six provided on a confidential basis. The submission provided on a non-confidential basis is available at the link below: |
Date | Description |
06/12/21 | On 6 December 2021, ASX released the consultation paper ASX Trade Cancellation Ranges: Proposals for Changes to ETO cancellation ranges and QCR Process In summary ASX will be looking for feedback on:
ASX invites submissions on the questions set out in this paper as well as any alternative approaches that market users may wish to raise for consideration. ASX welcomes feedback on the individual questions and in combination. Written submissions are requested by Friday 18 February 2022 |
06/12/21 | On 6 December 2021, ASX released the consultation paper ASX 24 Cancellation Ranges: Proposals for Change to Energy Products and QCR Process In summary ASX will be looking for feedback on:
ASX invites submissions on the options set out in this paper as well as any alternative approaches that market users may wish to raise for consideration. ASX welcomes feedback on the options individually and in combination. Written submissions are requested by Friday 18 February 2022 |
22/10/21 | On 22 October 2021, ASX released its response to the submissions it received on its consultation paper dated 16 April 2021 entitled Proposed changes to the oil and gas reporting requirements in the ASX Listing Rules. The consultation paper proposed changes to the reporting requirements for oil and gas entities to reflect and give effect to July 2018 revisions to the Petroleum Resources Management System sponsored by the Society of Petroleum Engineers, the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, the World Petroleum Council and the Society of Petroleum Evaluation Engineers (commonly referred to as the “SPE-PRMS”). The consultation response includes a mark-up of the final changes ASX is proposing to make to the ASX listing rules addressing the feedback received in consultation submissions (see Annexure B in the consultation response), together with a mark-up comparing the final rule changes to the consultation version (see Annexure C in the consultation response). Subject to the receipt of the necessary regulatory approvals, the final rule changes will come into effect on 1 July 2022. Listed entities are encouraged to early-adopt the changes, if they wish to. ASX will issue an update to Guidance Note 32 Reporting on Oil and Gas Activities well before the transition date of 1 July 2022 reflecting the final changes to the Listing Rules and addressing some of the issues raised in the consultation submissions. Consultation submissions ASX received 17 written submissions in response to its consultation paper, with eight provided on a confidential basis. The submissions provided on a non-confidential basis are available at the links below: |
31 /08/21 | On 31 August 2021, ASX released a consultation paper on the third of three tranches of operating rule amendments required to facilitate the implementation of the new system that will replace CHESS, together with the combined package of rule amendments across those three tranches. The amendments in tranche 3 relate to netting, settlement, reporting and miscellaneous amendments for ‘Day 1’ implementation of the new system, including as revised to reflect changes to netting and settlement workflows as consulted on in 2021. As part of the miscellaneous amendments, they also include transitional rules addressing migration aspects for the cutover to the new system. The consultation paper invites feedback from users and other stakeholders on the operation of the draft tranche 3 rule amendments, including any unintended consequences, as well as the combined package of rule amendments. Written submissions are requested by Tuesday 14 December 2021. |
27/07/21 | On 27 July 2021, ASX released a consultation paper outlining proposed changes to the ASX Clear (Futures) Operating Rules and Procedures to:
Written submissions are requested by Wednesday 25 August 2021. |
30/06/21 | On 30 June 2021, ASX published its response to consultation feedback from the 18 February 2021 consultation paper on changes to netting and settlement workflows to ensure the new system is sufficiently resilient to withstand record trading volumes like those experienced during March 2020. The response sets out the confirmed solution design including the revisions ASX has made in response to the feedback received. It also summarises the key themes from the consultation process and ASX’s reply. ASX received submissions from 30 organisations as part of the consultation. |
05/05/21 | On 5 May 2021, ASX released a Consultation Response in relation to its 30 November 2020 consultation paper on proposed amendments to the ASX Clear Operating Rules and Procedures and ASX Clear Operating Rules Guidance Note 12 Trust and Client Segregated Accounts. Based on the feedback received, ASX intends to remove the proposed changes to the nominated time and audit requirement. |
21/04/21 | On 21 April 2021, ASX released its response Default Management Rule Changes to submissions on ASX’s consultation paper proposing changes to the ASX Clear (Futures) Operating Rules and Procedures that relate to the default management of exchange-traded derivatives. ASX received six written submissions in response to the consultation paper, four of which were provided on a confidential basis. The submissions that were provided on a non-confidential basis are available at the links below: Based on the feedback received, ASX intends to make minor changes to the proposal outlined in the consultation paper in order to address the hedging of the defaulter’s portfolio and the possible inclusion of such hedges in the auction portfolio. |
16/04/21 | On 16 April 2021, ASX released a consultation paper entitled Proposed changes to the oil and gas reporting requirements in the ASX Listing Rules. The reporting requirements for oil and gas production and exploration activities in Chapter 5 of the ASX Listing Rules are currently built upon the 2007 edition of the Petroleum Resources Management System sponsored by the Society of Petroleum Engineers, the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, the World Petroleum Council and the Society of Petroleum Evaluation Engineers (commonly referred to as the “SPE-PRMS”). The SPE-PRMS was revised by its sponsors in July 2018. The consultation paper proposes changes to Chapter 5 of the Listing Rules to reflect and give effect to those revisions. Stakeholders interested in making a submission on the consultation paper are asked to do so in writing by the close of business on Friday 28 May 2021. |
24/03/21 | On 24 March 2021, ASX Limited (“ASX”) released a detailed Consultation Response to its 30 November 2020 consultation paper Proposed Listing Rules changes: online forms, notification of security issues and corporate action timetables. The Consultation Response outlines a number of amendments to the Listing Rules (“LR”) that will come into effect on 5 June 2021 (or such later date as ASX may notify). The amendments include:
The Consultation Response is accompanied by the following annexures: A. the final changes ASX is making to the Listing Rules addressing the feedback received in consultation submissions; B. a mark-up comparing the final rule changes to the consultation version; and the final versions of the following new or amended Listing Rule Appendices: C. Appendix 2A Application for quotation of securities; D. Appendix 3A.1 Notification of dividend/distribution; E. Appendix 3A.2 Notification of interest payment & interest rate change; G. Appendix 3A.6 Notification of call/instalment on quoted partly paid equity securities; H. Appendix 3B Announcement of proposed issue of securities; I. Appendix 3C Notification of buy-back; J. Appendix 3G Notification of issue, conversion or payment up of unquoted equity securities; and |
26/02/21 | On 26 February 2021, ASX released a Review of Legal Terms for the ASX Trade Acceptance Service and related Product Services (referred to collectively as the TAS). The Legal Terms commenced on 31 October 2016, with a term of five years - due to expire on 31 October 2021. The Legal Terms provide that a review be commenced 12 months prior to the expiry of the Legal Terms and that the review be published within four months of its commencement. The Review has not identified a need for significant changes to the Legal Terms. Accordingly the TAS will continue to be made available on substantially the same terms for another five years, with effect from 31 October 2021. The proposed changes to the Legal Terms identified through the Review are explained in the Review paper. Attachments A and B to the Review paper set out in mark-up the proposed changes to the Legal Terms. The Legal Terms will also be reviewed and updated in conjunction with the replacement of the existing CHESS system prior to the expiry of that term |
18/02/21 | On 18 February 2021, ASX released its consultation paper on CHESS Replacement: Proposed changes to netting and settlement workflow. The consultation paper outlines proposed changes to the design of both the netting and settlement confirmation workflows to deliver processing efficiencies and reduce subsequent messaging volumes as part of the overnight end-of-day process and daily batch settlement. The proposed changes will allow the CHESS replacement system to support clearing and settlement of significantly greater trading volumes and are largely in response to the extreme record trading activity in March 2020, which redefined the Day 1 capacity requirements of the replacement system. The consultation period closed on 18 March 2021. |
Date | Description |
30/11/20 | On 30 November 2020, ASX released a consultation paper on proposed amendments to the ASX Clear Operating Rules and Procedures and ASX Clear Operating Rules Guidance Note 12 Trust and Client Segregated Accounts to provide an improved framework and additional guidance to assist participants to comply with their client money obligations. ASX received twelve submissions in response to its consultation paper, all but three of which were expressed to be confidential. The submissions that were provided on a non-confidential basis are available at the links below: |
30/11/20 | On 30 November 2020, ASX Limited (“ASX”) released a consultation paper entitled Proposed Listing Rules changes: online forms, notification of security issues and corporate action timetables. The consultation paper is accompanied by the following annexures: A. Proposed amendments to the Listing Rules; B. Proposed amendments to Appendix 2A Application for quotation of securities; C. Proposed amendments to Appendix 3A.1 Notification of dividend/distribution; D. Proposed amendments to Appendix 3A.2 Notification of interest payment & interest rate change; F. Proposed amendments to Appendix 3B Announcement of proposed issue of securities; G. Proposed new Appendix 3C Notification of buy-back; I. Proposed new Appendix 3H Notification of cessation of securities. The proposed Listing Rule changes are primarily intended to facilitate the introduction and operation of the next round of new and updated online forms ASX will be releasing in the New Year (being the different forms mentioned in B – I above). ASX is also taking the opportunity to propose:
Submissions closed on Thursday 24 December 2020. ASX received the following non-confidential submissions in response to the consultation paper: |
28/10/20 | On 28 October 2020, ASX released its response to consultation feedback received on the June 2020 CHESS Replacement: Revised Implementation Timetable Consultation Paper. This response provides a summary of the feedback received, the key factors driving the project extension and the confirmed implementation schedule for CHESS replacement. ASX received feedback from 100 organisations who responded to the consultation. The replanning process involved detailed discussions with our technology partners, the completion of a comprehensive project review and engagement with the regulatory agencies. |
14/10/20 | On 14 October 2020, ASX released a consultation paper which outlines a proposed consolidation of the two capital measures that non-bank ASX Clear participants are currently required to maintain as per Schedule 1 of the ASX Clear Operating Rules, into a single capital measure. ASX seeks feedback on the proposed single capital measure, as well as on draft miscellaneous rule amendments which has been included to ensure currency and accuracy of references. Written submissions are requested by Monday, 30 November 2020. |
30/09/20 | On 30 September 2020, ASX released a consultation paper outlining proposed changes to the ASX Clear (Futures) Operating Rules and Procedures that relate to the default management of exchange traded derivatives (“ETDs”). ASX seeks feedback from clearing participants and end-user clients of ETDs in relation to ASX’s proposal to introduce a clear and transparent framework for the auctioning of ETDs by ASX Clear (Futures) (“ASXCLF”) in the event that a futures clearing participant defaults. ASX also seeks feedback from clearing participants in relation to ASX’s proposal to align default management powers available to both ASX Clear and ASXCLF through the extension of the existing ASXCLF indemnity. Written submissions in response to the consultation paper are requested by Friday 13 November 2020. |
24/09/20 | On 24 September 2020, ASX released its response to consultation feedback received on the February 2020 CHESS Replacement Tranche 2 Rule Amendments Consultation Paper. ASX received 11 written submissions in response to its consultation paper, eight of which were provided on a confidential basis. The submissions provided on a non-confidential basis are available at the links below: As part of its June consultation on the revised implementation timetable for CHESS replacement, ASX sought feedback from users on the timing of its proposed further rules consultation covering both the tranche 3 rule amendments and a consolidated rules package across all rule amendments required to implement the new system. The market will be updated on the timing for the further rules consultation in ASX’s response to consultation feedback on the revised implementation timeline. |
27/07/2020 | On the 27th of July 2020, ASX released its consultation paper on proposed changes to the BBSW methodology. The objective of the changes are to increase the frequency with which BBSW rates are calculated using transaction data, while ensuring that a high quality rate is produced. The proposed enhancements relate solely to the transaction layer of the BBSW calculation waterfall. ASX Benchmarks invites feedback from market participants and BBSW subscribers on the proposed methodology enhancements set out in this consultation paper. The consultation will be open from 27 July 2020 to 27 August 2020. Responses can be submitted to ASX Benchmarks will publish a market notice to advise market participants and BBSW subscribers of the outcome of the consultation in September 2020. ASX proposes to implement the methodology changes in November 2020, subject to the feedback received from this consultation paper. |
30/06/2020 | On 30 June 2020, ASX released its consultation paper on the CHESS Replacement Revised Implementation Timetable. The paper sets out key project activities and milestones including system development and testing, user testing, technical accreditation, operational readiness, and operating rule amendments. A copy of the media release can be found here. The revised timetable has been produced to provide additional time for the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on all stakeholders, accommodate functionality changes requested by users, and have a longer period for ASX and CHESS users to complete their respective development and readiness activities. The aggregate effect of these considerations produces a new go-live date of April 2022, 12 months beyond the original target go-live. While no-one was predicting this significant increase in trading volumes that have occurred recently, it highlights the need to replace older systems across the industry with flexible, contemporary technology. This requires prioritisation by ASX and CHESS users, but also prudent planning given the impact of COVID-19 to ensure that CHESS is replaced both in a safe and timely manner. Written submissions from CHESS users are requested by 28 July 2020. |
22/05/2020 | On 22 May 2020, ASX released its response to consultation feedback received on the November 2019 CHESS Replacement Tranche 1 Rule Amendments Consultation Paper. ASX received 12 written submissions in response to its consultation paper, seven of which were provided on a confidential basis. The submissions provided on a non-confidential basis are available at the links below: As announced in the media release on 25 March, ASX will begin consultation on a revised CHESS replacement implementation timeline in June 2020. This consultation will include information on the proposed timing for further consultation on the rule amendments. |
26/02/2020 | On 26 February 2020, ASX released its response to submissions on ASX’s consultation paper proposing changes to the 3 and 10 Year Bond Futures Roll. ASX received 36 written submissions in response to the consultation paper, all of which were provided on a confidential basis. ASX intends to implement a reduction to the 3 and 10 Year Bond Futures minimum price increment during the week of the Roll. These changes and the target implementation date are outlined in the response paper. |
21/02/2020 | On 21 February 2020, ASX released a consultation paper on the second of three tranches of operating rule amendments required to facilitate the implementation of the new system that will replace CHESS. These relate to corporate actions, mFund and RTGS payment aspects for 'Day 1" implementation of CHESS Replacement system functionality. RTGS will support payments for corporate action involving entitlement acceptances as well as payments for bilateral demand settlement instructions (addressed in the tranche 1 rule amendments). The consultation paper invites feedback from users and other stakeholders on the operation of the draft tranche 2 rule amendments, including any unintended consequences. Written submissions are requested by Friday 3 April 2020. |
8/01/2020 | On 8 January 2020, ASX released a consultation paper outlining proposed changes to the ASX 24 Trade Cancellation Policy, specifically,
ASX proposes, subject to feedback received through consultation, to:
Written submissions are requested by Friday 28th February 2020. |
Date | Description |
18/09/24 | On 18 September 2024, ASX made a submission to ASIC's Consultion Paper CP379 relating to draft ASIC CS Services Rules. ASX's submission included suggestions for clarification for how the rules are intended to operate and commented on the proposed transition period. The submission also provided feedback on ensuring an appropriate balance between achieving ASIC’s stated policy intention and minimising unnecessary additional compliance costs. |
06/06/24 | On 6 June 2024, ASX made a submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission's consultation on Transmission Access Reform. The submission focused on a question in the consultation paper relating to the impact of the proposed hybrid model on financial markets. |
15/05/24 | On 15 May 2024, ASX made a submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee Inquiry into the wholesale investor and wholesale client tests. The ASX submission encouraged the Committee to consider potential impacts on the ability for issuers to raise capital and on investment diversity for investors when contemplating any changes. |
12/04/24 | On 12 April 2024, ASX made a submission to the Senate Economics Legislation Committee Inquiry on Treasury Laws Amendment (Financial Market Infrastructure and Other Measures) Bill 2024 which reiterated support for the Bill, and detailed our constructive engagement to date on the financial market infrastructure reforms. |
22/04/24 | On 22 April 2024, ASX made a submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services’ inquiry into the ‘Oversight of ASIC, the Takeovers Panel and the Corporations Legislation’ in relation to ASX’s CHESS replacement project. |
01/03/24 | On 1 March 2024, ASX made a submission to the Department of Home Affairs’ consultation on legislative reforms proposed as part of the Cyber Security Strategy. The submission provides in-principle support for the proposed reforms, but notes the need to minimise regulatory duplication where possible, ensure appropriate safeguards on the exercise of last-resort powers, and balance the need for government to have access to information with the need to avoid an undue regulatory burden. |
29/02/24 | On 29 February 2024, ASX provided a submission to the Treasury consultation on the draft legislative instruments determining the scope of application of the yet to be released ASIC CS services rules and the arbitration regime under the competition in clearing and settlement legislation. ASX’s submission notes that the definition of ‘cash equity’ in the instrument is aligned with industry’s understanding of the term. It also suggests that the explanatory materials should include an explanation of the matters taken into account by the Minister in making the instrument (as required by the legislation), and that a mechanism for review/amendment of the instrument should be clearly articulated. |
09/02/24 | On 9 February, ASX made a submission to Treasury’s consultation on exposure draft legislation mandating climate-related financial disclosures. ASX is supportive of the proposed reforms, but notes risks with the current proposed start date of 1 July 2024 and suggests that at least a 12 month transition period be provided. |
09/02/24 | On 9 February 2024, ASX made a submission to Treasury’s consultation on draft legislation relating to Financial Market Infrastructure Regulatory Reforms. ASX’s submission is broadly supportive of the reforms, noting that the changes will bring Australia into alignment with international counterparts. The submission covers a number of technical issues intended to achieve better outcomes consistent with the policy intent articulated by the Government. |
19/01/24 | On 19 January 2024, ASX made a submission to the RBA’s consultation on increasing the threshold for the application of the Financial Stability Standards for Securities Settlement Facilities (SSFs) from $200 million to $40 billion in annual value of settled financial obligations. |
Date | Description |
8/12/23 | On 8 December 2023, ASX made a submission to Treasury’s review of changes to the continuous disclosure regime. While ASX considers it too soon to fully observe the impact of the 2021 Amendments, in the interests of ensuring the effectiveness of Australia’s continuous disclosure regime and the integrity and attractiveness of Australian markets, ASX submitted that the 2021 Amendments as they relate to regulator-initiated civil penalty proceedings should be repealed. Regulator action is the primary enforcement mechanism under the continuous disclosure regime and plays a critical role in incentivising robust disclosure practices by listed entities. The submission also sets out that the 2021 Amendments as they relate to private plaintiff-initiated civil penalty proceedings should remain, unless evidence becomes available that demonstrates a detrimental impact on the disclosure practices of entities. Requiring the demonstration of fault on the part of the disclosing entity for a successful private plaintiff-initiated action may reduce incentives for potential plaintiffs to pursue ‘opportunistic’ actions. |
6/10/23 | On 6 October 2023, ASX made a submission to Treasury’s review of the regulatory framework for managed investment schemes. The submission explained the interactions between the regulatory framework for managed investment schemes and the process for admission to ASX markets. |
8/9/23 | On 8 September 2023, ASX made a submission to Treasury’s consultation on exposure draft legislation for licensing exemptions for foreign financial service providers. |
28/7/23 | On 28 July 2023, ASX made a submission to Treasury’s second consultation on climate-related financial disclosure. The submission indicated support for implementation of mandatory climate-related financial reporting in Australia, noting that accurate and meaningful disclosures in this space will increase investor confidence and strengthen Australia’s position in the international financial landscape. The submission raised concerns with the ambitious timeline for implementation, as a rushed implementation could compromise the effectiveness of the regime. |
20/04/23 | On 20 April 2023, ASX made a submission to a Treasury consultation on the exposure draft legislation relating to competition in the provision of clearing and settlement services. The submission is supportive of the policy objectives of the draft legislation and sets out some suggested refinements to help ensure the legislation achieves the Government’s intent. |
3/3/23 | On 3 March 2023, ASX made a submission to Treasury’s consultation on climate related financial disclosure. ASX’s submission is broadly supportive of the proposal, and submitted that disclosure obligations should not be limited to large listed companies and should apply to both large listed and large unlisted companies. |
Date | Description |
1/12/22 | On 1 December 2022, ASX made a submission to the Australian Law Review Commission’s Review of the Legislative Framework for Corporations and Financial Services Regulation Interim Report B. |
15/11/22 | On 15 November 2022, ASX made a submission to Treasury’s review of the ASIC Industry Funding Model. |
ASX acknowledges the Traditional Owners of Country throughout Australia. We pay our respects to Elders past and present.
Artwork by: Lee Anne Hall, My Country, My People