• publish
Name Size Upload Date
Appendix 4D 2012 Half-Year Report
43KB 16/02/2012
Appendix 4E - ASX 2012 Full-Year Preliminary Final Report
86KB 16/08/2012
ASX 25th Anniversary Fact Sheet
39KB 29/03/2012
ASX AGM 2012 - Chairman and Managing Director and CEO's Addressess
410KB 05/10/2012
ASX AGM 2012 - Presentation Slides
2MB 04/12/2012
ASX and SGX Working Together to Enhance Market Connectivity
106KB 25/07/2012
ASX Board Renewal 2012
44KB 29/08/2012
ASX Compliance Monthly Activity Report - April 2012
55KB 03/05/2012
ASX Compliance Monthly Activity Report - August 2012
119KB 05/09/2012
ASX Compliance Monthly Activity Report - February 2012
52KB 05/03/2012
ASX Compliance Monthly Activity Report - January 2012
42KB 02/02/2012
ASX Compliance Monthly Activity Report - July 2012
121KB 03/08/2012
ASX Compliance Monthly Activity Report - June 2012
55KB 04/07/2012
ASX Compliance Monthly Activity Report - March 2012
51KB 05/04/2012
ASX Compliance Monthly Activity Report - May 2012
65KB 05/06/2012
ASX Compliance Monthly Activity Report - November 2012
43KB 04/12/2012
ASX Compliance Monthly Activity Report - October 2012
55KB 04/11/2012
ASX Compliance Monthly Activity Report - September 2012
118KB 04/10/2012
ASX Equity Research Scheme trial commences
107KB 22/07/2012
ASX finalises enhanced disclosure rules for mining and oil and gas companies
35KB 07/11/2012
ASX Group Monthly Activity Report - April 2012
70KB 03/05/2012
ASX Group Monthly Activity Report - August 2012
240KB 09/09/2012
ASX Group Monthly Activity Report - Feb 2012
70KB 06/03/2012
ASX Group Monthly Activity Report - January 2012
66KB 02/02/2012
ASX Group Monthly Activity Report - July 2010
178KB 05/08/2012
ASX Group Monthly Activity Report - June 2012
65KB 04/07/2012
ASX Group Monthly Activity Report - March 2012
70KB 05/04/2012
ASX Group Monthly Activity Report - May 2012
70KB 06/06/2012
ASX Group Monthly Activity Report - November 2012
67KB 04/12/2012
ASX Group Monthly Activity Report - October 2012
67KB 04/11/2012
ASX Group Monthly Activity Report - September 2012
240KB 04/10/2012
ASX launches Equity OTC Clear service for equity options
43KB 29/05/2012
ASX Limited Earnings Update to 31 March 2012
460KB 02/05/2012
ASX Ltd 2012 Full-Year Annual Report
4MB 16/08/2012
ASX Ltd 2012 Full-Year Final Dividend Announcement
40KB 16/08/2012
ASX Ltd 2012 Full-Year Results Edited Analyst Transcript
162KB 03/09/2012
ASX Ltd 2012 Full-Year Results Edited Media Transcript
163KB 03/09/2012
ASX Ltd 2012 Full-Year Results Media Release
76KB 16/08/2012
ASX Ltd 2012 Half-Year Results - Edited Analyst Briefing Transcript
159KB 08/03/2012
ASX Ltd 2012 Half-Year Results - Edited Media Briefing Transcript
204KB 09/03/2012
ASX Ltd announces new Bookbuild facility
151KB 19/09/2012
ASX Ltd releases enhanced disclosure rules for mining and oil and gas companies
100KB 17/09/2012
ASX Ltd's 2012 Full-Year Results Analyst Presentation
661KB 16/08/2012
ASX Ltd's 2012 Half-Year Results Analyst Presentation
780KB 16/02/2012
ASX Ltd's 2012 Half-Year Results Media Release
73KB 16/02/2012
ASX Ltd's Half-Year Report 2012
1MB 16/02/2012
ASX Ltd's Interim Dividend Announcement - February 2012
40KB 16/02/2012
ASX releases consultation on draft Guidance Note on continuous disclosure
40KB 17/10/2012
ASX Schools Sharemarket Game 2012 Winners
53KB 08/11/2012
ASX to launch Centre Point Block
28KB 17/06/2012
ASX welcomes CIMB to the Australian Liquidity Centre
60KB 06/12/2012
ASX welcomes CQG, Inc. to the Australian Liquidity Centre
53KB 16/07/2012
ASX welcomes Fidessa to the Australian Liquidity Centre
53KB 29/02/2012
ASX welcomes new Market Integrity Rules
26KB 20/11/2012
ASX, RP Data and Rismark introduce world-first daily home value index
93KB 01/03/2012
Australian Resources Conference 2012
43KB 09/02/2012
Domestic and international banks to work with ASX on OTC derivatives clearing
26KB 12/12/2012
Exchange-traded government bonds a step closer
30KB 31/10/2012
Helping Australian companies raise capital
111KB 25/07/2012
Modernising the Timetable for Rights Issues
39KB 03/07/2012
Morgan Stanley connects to ASX Centre Point Block
40KB 06/11/2012
New ASX Chairman - March 2012
35KB 28/03/2012
Report: adoption by ASX-listed companies of the ASX Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendationson diversity
43KB 31/07/2012
Strengthening Australia's Equity Capital Markets: ASX Proposals and Consultation
40KB 03/04/2012
Sydney Hosts 30th AOSEF General Assembly
65KB 29/03/2020
Unsponsored Depositary Receipts will not be eligible for S&P/ASX indices
103KB 22/06/2012
Name Size Upload Date
'ASX Options Ready' Program Launched
72KB 29/08/2011
2011 Annual General Meeting - Addresses by the Chairman and the Managing Director and CEO
92KB 21/09/2011
Alan Cameron to chair ASX Corporate Governance Council
42KB 08/11/2011
Appendix 4D Half-Year Report - 2011
724KB 16/02/2011
ASIC Market Assessment report of ASX
54KB 22/11/2011
ASX 2011 Full-Year Results Media Release
151KB 17/08/2011
ASX AGM 2011 - Presentation Slides
349KB 21/09/2011
ASX AGM 2011 - Q&A Edited Transcript
129KB 21/09/2011
ASX AGM 2011 Results
33KB 21/09/2011
ASX and AIRA to host free investor relations forum
54KB 17/04/2011
ASX and BRR lauch investor relations initiative for ASX-listed companies
51KB 02/03/2011
ASX and Clearstream to develop collateral management service
40KB 28/08/2011
ASX and Orient Capital launch ASX IR intelligence - an investor relations initiative for ASX-listed companies
40KB 27/03/2011
ASX appoints next Managing Director and CEO - August 2011
136KB 25/08/2011
ASX approves Chi-X to utilise clearing and settlement arrangements
30KB 19/06/2011
ASX Best - a new multi-market smart routing trading application provided by Fidessa - Australian Securities Exchange
44KB 12/07/2011
ASX Change of Managing Director and CEO - October 2011
21KB 05/10/2011
ASX committed to support implementation of Emissions Trading Scheme
33KB 09/11/2011
ASX Compliance Monthly Activity report - April 2011
40KB 04/05/2011
ASX Compliance Monthly Activity Report - August 2011
334KB 05/09/2011
ASX Compliance Monthly Activity Report - December 2010
46KB 06/01/2011
ASX Compliance Monthly Activity report - January 2011
47KB 02/02/2011
ASX Compliance Monthly Activity Report - July 2011
60KB 03/08/2011
ASX Compliance Monthly Activity Report - June 2011
47KB 05/07/2011
ASX Compliance Monthly Activity Report - March 2011
46KB 05/04/2011
ASX Compliance Monthly Activity Report - May 2011
56KB 05/06/2011
ASX Compliance Monthly Activity Report - November 2011
49KB 05/12/2011
ASX Compliance Monthly Activity Report - October 2011
56KB 03/11/2011
ASX Compliance Monthly Activity Report - September 2011
29KB 05/10/2011
ASX compliance monthly activity report March 2011
46KB 03/03/2011
ASX Consultation Paper - Reserves and Resources Disclosure Rules for Mining and Oil and Gas Companies
37KB 04/10/2011
ASX Full Year 2011 Analyst Presentation
225KB 17/08/2011
ASX Full-Year Final Dividend FY11 announcement
41KB 17/08/2011
ASX Group Monthly Activity report - April 2011
84KB 04/05/2011
ASX Group Monthly Activity Report - August 2011
82KB 05/09/2011
ASX Group Monthly Activity Report - August 2011
65KB 03/08/2011
ASX Group monthly activity report - December 2010
79KB 06/01/2011
ASX Group monthly activity report - February 2011
78KB 03/03/2011
ASX group monthly activity report - January 2011
68KB 02/02/2011
ASX Group Monthly Activity Report - June 2011
82KB 05/07/2011
ASX Group monthly activity report - March 2011
80KB 05/04/2011
ASX Group Monthly Activity Report - May 2011
81KB 05/06/2011
ASX Group Monthly Activity Report - November 2011
117KB 05/12/2011
ASX Group monthly activity report - October 2011
110KB 03/11/2011
ASX Group Monthly Activity Report - September 2011
56KB 05/10/2011
ASX launches free online ETF courses
43KB 08/06/2011
ASX LIC Index Press Release
42KB 17/11/2011
ASX Limited annual report 2011
4MB 31/08/2011
ASX Ltd 2011 Full-Year Results - Analyst Q&A Edited Transcript
160KB 17/08/2011
ASX Ltd 2011 Half-Year Results - Analyst Presentation
270KB 16/02/2011
ASX Ltd 2011 Half-Year Results - Media Release
44KB 16/02/2011
ASX Ltd Half-Year Report 2011
1MB 16/02/2011
ASX Managing Director and CEO Announcement - 2011
51KB 25/08/2011
ASX Media Release - Results of 2010 Australian Share Ownership Study - Australian Securities Exchange - ASX
44KB 02/05/2011
ASX ready for market competition
41KB 02/03/2011
ASX to Centralise Listings Resources
32KB 01/12/2011
ASX to host ETF conference to mark 10-year anniversary
34KB 09/02/2011
ASX Trading Outage - October 2011
35KB 26/10/2011
ASX Welcomes Government's commitment to develop a retail bond market
40KB 12/12/2011
ASX-SGX merger proposal application lodged with FIRB
40KB 10/03/2011
Edited transcript of ASX FY2011 Media briefing
197KB 17/08/2011
Edited Transcript of ASX HY 2011 Analyst briefing
129KB 16/02/2011
Edited Transcript of ASX HY 2011 Media Briefing
165KB 16/02/2011
First currency-based Exchange Traded Fund launched in Australia
35KB 31/01/2011
KVH to Expand Ultra Low Latency Network to ASX's New Data Centre - Press Release
52KB 07/12/2011
New ASX-SGX Governance and Commitments to Strengthen merger proposal
46KB 14/02/2011
PureMatch to go-live 28 November 2011
51KB 10/11/2011
Russell/ASX Long Term Investing Report 2011
711KB 28/06/2011
S&P/ASX Australian Fixed Income Index Series Launched
106KB 12/10/2011
SGX provides further responses to FIRB on ASX-SGX merger proposal
34KB 06/04/2011
Statement on impact of alternative trading venues on calculation of S&P/ASX Indices
28KB 10/09/2011
Treasurer disposed to reject ASX-SGX merger proposal - April 2011
31KB 04/04/2011
Treasurer rejects ASX-SGX merger proposal - April 2011
32KB 07/04/2011
Winners of 2011 ASX schools sharemarket games
72KB 22/11/2011
Name Size Upload Date
Access Economics Report - media release
49KB 05/12/2010
ASX Compliance Monthly Activity Report - November 2010
45KB 05/12/2010
ASX Group Monthly Activity Report - November 2010
74KB 05/12/2010
Chairman's letter to shareholders on ASX - SGX combination
636KB 05/12/2010
ASX Launches Next Generation Trading Platform
111KB 02/12/2010
ASIC market assessment report of ASX - November 2010
46KB 29/11/2010
Winners of 2010 ASX Schools Sharemarket Games
59KB 22/11/2010
ASX Compliance Monthly Activity Report - October 2010
53KB 03/11/2010
ASX Group Monthly Activity Report - October 2010
76KB 03/11/2010
IRESS and ASX Launching New Market Connectivity Initiatives
98KB 26/10/2010
ASX and SGX combine - Merger Implementation Agreement .
5MB 24/10/2010
ASX and SGX combine - Media Release
248KB 24/10/2010
ASX and SGX combine - presentation slides .
1MB 24/10/2010
ASX Group Monthly Activity Report - September 2010
137KB 05/10/2010
ASX Compliance Monthly Activity Report - September 2010
50KB 05/10/2010
2010 Annual General Meeting - Address by Chairman and Managing Director and CEO
42KB 28/09/2010
ASX AGM 2010 results
24KB 28/09/2010
ASX to Use Markit's Dividend Forecasts for Equity Options Pricing
27KB 16/09/2010
ASX Compliance Monthly Activity Report - August 2010
54KB 05/09/2010
ASX Group Monthly Activity Report - August 2010
136KB 05/09/2010
ASX Ltd full-year 2010 dividend - market announcement
27KB 18/08/2010
ASX Ltd full-year results 2010 - ASX Compliance presentation
196KB 18/08/2010
ASX Ltd full-year results 2010 - media release
34KB 18/08/2010
ASX Ltd Full Year Results 2010 - Analyst Briefing Edited Transcript
136KB 18/08/2010
ASX Ltd 2010 full-year results - analyst presentation
293KB 18/08/2010
ASX Ltd Annual Report 2010
859KB 18/08/2010
Appendix 4E preliminary final report - 2010
139KB 18/08/2010
ASX Ltd 2010 Full Year Results - Media Briefing Edited Transcript
153KB 18/08/2010
ASX Group Monthly Activity Report - July 2010
311KB 04/08/2010
ASX IPO Workshops to provide guidance to small cap
75KB 18/07/2010
ASX announces CFO and CRO appointments - July 2010
20KB 18/07/2010
Corporate governance reporting
57KB 07/07/2010
ASX and ASIC supervisory transfer arrangements
51KB 07/07/2010
ASXMS Quarterly Activity Report - June 2010
124KB 04/07/2010
ASX Group Monthly Activity Report - June 2010
74KB 04/07/2010
Changes to Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations
47KB 29/06/2010
Launch of ASX Net with fibre provided by PIPE Networks
50KB 28/06/2010
VolumeMatch to go live on 28 June 2010
55KB 24/06/2010
Appointment of Chief Compliance Officer and update on transfer of supervisory functions to ASIC
42KB 20/06/2010
New Data Centre for ASX
37KB 09/06/2010
Australian Securities Exchange launches new hosting solution
40KB 07/06/2010
ASX Group Monthly Activity Report - May 2010
77KB 02/06/2010
ASX Fees and Activity Rebates - 2010
55KB 02/06/2010
Review of Trading by Directors in Blackout Period - Q1 2010
95KB 31/05/2010
Russell/ASX long-term investing report 2010
41KB 25/05/2010
Review of Disclosure of Directors' Interest Notices Q1 2010
86KB 19/05/2010
ASX and AIRA Investor Relations Course for SMEs
41KB 02/05/2010
Proposed changes to Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations
39KB 21/04/2010
ASX Group Monthly Activity Report - March 2010
66KB 06/04/2010
ASXMS Quarterly Activity Report - March 2010
102KB 06/04/2010
ASX Group Executive changes - March 2010
33KB 14/03/2010
ASX Group Monthly Activity Report - February 2010
71KB 01/03/2010
ASX Ltd half-year 2010 results - media briefing transcript
69KB 24/02/2010
ASX Ltd 2010 half-year results - analyst briefing transcript
129KB 24/02/2010
ASX Ltd 2010 half-year results - ASXMS presentation
32KB 17/02/2010
ASX Ltd 2010 half-year results - analyst presentation
97KB 17/02/2010
ASX Ltd results for the half-year ending 31 December 2009
53KB 17/02/2010
ASX Ltd 2010 half-year financial report including Appendix 4D
246KB 17/02/2010
ASX to adopt new generation trading platform from NASDAQ OMX
50KB 17/02/2010
ASX review of algorithmic trading and market access arrangements
33KB 07/02/2010
ASX Group Monthly Activity Report - January 2010
53KB 02/02/2010
ASX IPO Workshops to provide guidance to small caps
150KB 28/01/2010
313KB 28/01/2010
Review of Trading by Directors in Blackout Period - Q3 2009
131KB 20/01/2010
ASXMS Quarterly Activity Report - December 2009
90KB 05/01/2010
ASX Group Monthly Activity Report - December 2009
66KB 05/01/2010
ASX Board appointment - January 2010
35KB 05/01/2010
Name Size Upload Date
Appendix 4E (Rule 4.2A) - 2009
50KB 29/12/2009
ASX Submission on Reforms to Financial Markets Supervision
40KB 21/12/2009
New ASX Corporate Governance Council recommendations on Diversity
63KB 06/12/2009
ASX Consultation on Trading windows and blackout periods
38KB 03/12/2009
Monthly Activity Report November 2009
67KB 02/12/2009
Review of Disclosure of Directors' Interest Notice Q3 2009
95KB 16/11/2009
New S&P/ASX Infrastructure Index
57KB 11/11/2009
Monthly Activity Report October 2009
66KB 04/11/2009
ASX Small to Mid Caps Hong Kong event - Media Release
36KB 25/10/2009
ASX to list new Environmental futures and options contracts
51KB 06/10/2009
ASX Group Montly Activity Report - September 2009
59KB 05/10/2009
ASX Markets Supervisions (ASXMS) Quarterly Activity Report - September 2009
78KB 05/10/2009
Annual General Meeting Results 2009
44KB 29/09/2009
2009 Annual general meeting address by Chairman - David Gonski
46KB 29/09/2009
ASIC Market Assessment report of ASX - Group activities report September 2009
356KB 27/09/2009
RBA assessment of ASX's clearing and settlement facilities - Media Release
37KB 21/09/2009
ASX to list Western Australia wheat futures and options
40KB 06/09/2009
Monthly Activity Report August 2009
58KB 02/09/2009
Reforms to the Supervision of Australia's financial markets
36KB 23/08/2009
2009 Full-Year Results Presentation
32KB 19/08/2009
Edited Transcript of ASX FY 2009 Analyst Briefing
130KB 19/08/2009
Full Year Results Presentation - 2009
97KB 19/08/2009
ASX Annual report 2009
3MB 19/08/2009
ASX Limited results full year 2009
54KB 19/08/2009
Edited Transcript of ASX FY 2009 Media briefing
75KB 19/08/2009
Monthly Activity Report July 2009
52KB 04/08/2009
First review of Corporate Governance reporting under Revised principles and recommendations
510KB 03/08/2009
ASX Board Succession - August 2009
43KB 03/08/2009
New S&P/ASX Emerging Companies Index - Press release
57KB 29/07/2009
Corporate Governance Reporting continues to improve
317KB 09/07/2009
ASX Group Monthly Activity Report - June 2009
63KB 05/07/2009
ASX Markets Supervisions (ASXMS) Quarterly Activity Report - June 2009
85KB 05/07/2009
Review of trading by Directors in 'Blackout' period Q1 2009
125KB 30/06/2009
Results of 2008 Australian share ownership study - Media Release
35KB 22/06/2009
S&P Assigns AA credit rating to ASX Clearing Corporation Limited
31KB 16/06/2009
Italian Cashflow wins ASX public sharemarket game
57KB 15/06/2009
ASX Group Monthly Activity Report - May 2009
71KB 02/06/2009
Board Succession - New Appointment and Retirement - May 2009
36KB 27/05/2009
Review of Compliance with the JORC code
103KB 13/05/2009
ASX Group Monthly Activity Report - April 2009
61KB 04/05/2009
Review of Disclosure of Directors' Trading - Media Release
97KB 29/04/2009
Update of changes to Minimum Core Capital Requirements - Media Release
37KB 06/04/2009
New Rule for Trading Partly Paid Securities - Media Release
30KB 05/04/2009
ASX Markets Supervisions (ASXMS) Quarterly Activity report March 2009
76KB 05/04/2009
ASX Group Monthly Activity report - March 2009
62KB 05/04/2009
Extension of Term - Managing Director and CEO - March 2009
35KB 03/03/2009
ASX Monthly Activity Report - February 2009
63KB 03/03/2009
Edited Transcript of ASX HY 2009 Analyst Briefing
64KB 16/02/2009
2009 Half-Year results presentation
88KB 16/02/2009
ASX Limited results for half-year ending December 2008
51KB 16/02/2009
ASX Limited Half Year Results 2009
39KB 16/02/2009
Edited Transcript of ASX HY 2009 Media Briefing
77KB 16/02/2009
ASX to expand its Energy and Environmental Product offering
43KB 10/02/2009
ASX Monthly Activity Report - January 2009
50KB 03/02/2009
New Commodity prices for ASX AQUA Market
31KB 01/02/2009
Enhancements to Listed Investment Companies Index Announced
28KB 20/01/2009
ASX Monthly Activity Report - December 2008
63KB 05/01/2009
Name Size Upload Date
ASX Half Year Report 2008
326KB 30/12/2008
New Index for Listed Investment Companies Announced
30KB 22/12/2008
Review of Trading by Directors in 'Blackout' Period - December 2008
120KB 10/12/2008
ASx Monthly Activity Report November 2008
62KB 02/12/2008
Winners of 2008 ASX Schools Sharemarket Game Outperform the Market
41KB 17/11/2008
ASX Monthly Activity Report October 2008
65KB 04/11/2008
Review of Trading by Directors - October 2008
103KB 30/10/2008
ASX Monthly Activity Report September 2008
60KB 01/10/2008
ASX position on short selling and securities lending
161KB 01/10/2008
ASX AGM 2008 Results
35KB 23/09/2008
ASX AGM 2008 - Addresses by the Chairman and Managing Director & CEO
74KB 23/09/2008
ASX responds to RiskMetrics report on externally managed entities - September 2008
42KB 22/09/2008
Abolition of Naked Short Selling
36KB 18/09/2008
Lehman Brothers Australia - ASX Market Participant Status Suspended
120KB 14/09/2008
ASX critical of RiskMetrics protest vote - September 2008
35KB 09/09/2008
ASX Monthly Activity Report August 2008
45KB 02/09/2008
New Disciplinary Tribunal Rules, and Fining and Education Arrangements
41KB 25/08/2008
Edited Transcript of ASX FY 2008 Analyst Briefing
64KB 13/08/2008
ASX welcomes ASIC assessment
36KB 13/08/2008
ASX Limited 2008 FY Results Presentation
94KB 13/08/2008
ASX Limited results for the full-year ending 30 June 2008
51KB 13/08/2008
ASX Limited 2008 Annual Report
1MB 13/08/2008
Edited Transcript of ASX FY 2008 Media Briefing
80KB 13/08/2008
Foreign exempt companies to become eligible for Index Inclusion
57KB 10/08/2008
ASX Monthly Activity Report July 2008
47KB 04/08/2008
New Chair of ASX Markets Supervision Board - July 2008
31KB 20/07/2008
ASX Monthly Activity Report June 2008
48KB 02/07/2008
New Co-Location hosting Service for ASX Participants - July 2008
31KB 02/07/2008
Appendix 4E - 2008
20KB 29/06/2008
Findings from Review of Trading by Directors
181KB 26/06/2008
Continued Improvement in Corporate Governance Reporting - June 2008
385KB 17/06/2008
ASX Monthly Activity Report May 2008
48KB 03/06/2008
Management of Settlement risk - New Measures Announced May 2008
78KB 25/05/2008
2008 ASX Schools Sharemarket Game: Student outerperform the market
84KB 25/05/2008
Australian shares the best long-term investment
48KB 18/05/2008
Consultation paper to Consider Foreign exempt companies for Index Inclusion - May 2008
119KB 05/05/2008
ASX Group Monthly Activity Report April 2008
55KB 04/05/2008
Lift Capital Enters Administration - April 2008
36KB 10/04/2008
Monthly Activity Report for March 2008
46KB 02/04/2008
Opes Prime Participant Status Suspended - Receivers and Managers Appointed
66KB 27/03/2008
Public Consultation on Short Selling
39KB 27/03/2008
Market Warned about Stock Lending and Short Selling Obligations
90KB 05/03/2008
Monthly Activity Report for February 2008
49KB 04/03/2008
Small Caps Down Under - Promotion in the US
46KB 02/03/2008
Disclosure Guidance for Listed Entities
158KB 28/02/2008
ASX Limited Results for the Half-Year ending 2007
64KB 13/02/2008
Edited Transcript of ASX HY 2008 Analyst Briefing
64KB 13/02/2008
Edited Transcript of ASX HY 2008 Media Briefing
112KB 13/02/2008
ASX Limited 2008 Half-Year Results
111KB 13/02/2008
Monthly Activity Report for January 2008
72KB 04/02/2008
Monthly Activity Report for December 2007
72KB 03/01/2008
Name Size Upload Date
ASX Limited Half-Year Report 2008
825KB 30/12/2007
Feedback invited on proposed changes to Listing Rules - December 2007
55KB 13/12/2007
Monthly Activity Report for November 2007
80KB 04/12/2007
Monthly Activity Report for November 2007 - Correction
23KB 04/12/2007
ASX shareholding in IRESS Market Technology Limited - November 2007
39KB 29/11/2007
Winners of 2007 ASX Schools Sharemarket Games Announced
63KB 19/11/2007
Monthly Trading Report for October 2007
66KB 04/11/2007
ASX AGM 2007 - Transcript of Q&A
56KB 29/10/2007
ASX AGM 2007 - Shareholder Q&A
53KB 29/10/2007
ASX AGM 2007 - Results
50KB 29/10/2007
ASX AGM 2007 - Presentation Slides
139KB 29/10/2007
ASX AGM 2007 - Chairman's Address and Managing Director's Presentation
102KB 29/10/2007
ASX CFDs to Launch on 5 November 2007
46KB 23/10/2007
Statement of Claim about 25 July 2007
47KB 07/10/2007
Monthly trading report for September 2007
51KB 02/10/2007
ASX Equity and Index Options Set for Trading by US Investors - September 2007
84KB 27/09/2007
Appointment of Company Secretary - September 2007
45KB 25/09/2007
Notice of Meeting 2007
147KB 17/09/2007
ASX Letter to Shareholders - September 2007
60KB 17/09/2007
ASX to Utilise Radianz Proximity Solution for Equities and Derivatives - September 2007
51KB 16/09/2007
ASX and AIRA to Launch Investor Relations Course for SMEs - September 2007
304KB 11/09/2007
Resignation of Company Secretary - September 2007
47KB 09/09/2007
Monthly Trading Report for August 2007
72KB 03/09/2007
ASX Cash Market Large Participant Rebate FY08
52KB 26/08/2007
ASX Ltd Annual Report 2007
1MB 15/08/2007
Appendix 4E Preliminary (Rule 4.2A) Final Report - 2007
39KB 15/08/2007
ASX Announces Strong Operating and Financial Performance for FY07
64KB 15/08/2007
ASX Full-Year 07 Results Analyst Presentation
118KB 15/08/2007
Revised Corporate Governance Principles Released - August 2007
63KB 01/08/2007
ASX welcomes Public Consultation on Competition for Market Services - July 2007
36KB 22/07/2007
Monthly Trading Report for June 2007
83KB 03/07/2007
ASX Derivatives and Austraclear Fees and Rebates Update - June 2007
48KB 25/06/2007
ASX Cash Market Pricing Update - June 2007
38KB 25/06/2007
Review of Corporate Governance Reporting - June 2007
64KB 12/06/2007
Monthly Trading Volumes for May 2007
59KB 04/06/2007
ASX Welcomes Government Commitment to Emissions Trading Scheme - June 2007
193KB 03/06/2007
Changes to Supervisory Investigation Powers and Processes - June 2007
51KB 31/05/2007
Changes to the S&P/ASX Index Suite Positions Australia Well in a Dynamic Global Marketplace - June 2007
58KB 31/05/2007
2006 Australian Share Ownership Study
485KB 16/05/2007
S&P and ASX Announce Details of Two New Domestic Indicies - May 2007
62KB 16/05/2007
2006 Australian Share Ownership Study
686KB 16/05/2007
S&P and ASX Announce Renaming of Property Trust Indices - December 2007
69KB 11/05/2007
ASX Response to ASIC Assessment May 2007
54KB 09/05/2007
New Board Appointments - May 2007
43KB 08/05/2007
Monthly Trading Volumes for April 2007
61KB 01/05/2007
Listed investments lead the way - April 2007
60KB 16/04/2007
ASX cash market fee update - April 2007
69KB 16/04/2007
Monthly Trading Volumes for March 2007
243KB 02/04/2007
Update on Revised Corporate Governance Principles Implementation - April 2007
44KB 01/04/2007
ASX interim dividend letter to shareholders - March 2007
41KB 17/03/2007
Record trading volume in the New Zealand 90 Day Bank Bill Futures contract - March 2007
41KB 08/03/2007
Monthly Trading Report for February 2007 and Record Activity Levels
71KB 01/03/2007
New Index Methodology Enabling Inclusion of Foreign-Domiciled Companies - February 2007
72KB 26/02/2007
ASX Limited Half-Year 07 Financial Report including Appendix 4D and additional disclosures
443KB 16/02/2007
ASX Media Release - ASX results for HY06/07
62KB 14/02/2007
ASX Half-Year 07 Results - Analyst Presentation
105KB 14/02/2007
Q&A Session - 2007 ASX Half-Year Results Media Briefing - Edited transcript
67KB 14/02/2007
ASX Half-Year 07 Results Media Briefing - Edited transcript
100KB 14/02/2007
Appointment of Company Secretary
50KB 13/02/2007
ASX introduces serial options over the S&P/ASX 200 Index - February 2007
105KB 08/02/2007
Monthly Trading Report January 2007
160KB 01/02/2007
ASX Limited Half-Year Accounts 2007
85KB 30/01/2007
Monthly Trading Report December 06
164KB 03/01/2007
Name Size Upload Date
SFE experiences record trading volumes on its international hubs - December 2006
42KB 19/12/2006
Changes to ASX Group Fees and Rebates - December 2006
98KB 10/12/2006
Monthly Trading Report for ASX and SFE Markets - November 2006
166KB 03/12/2006
Australian Stock Exchange group to be branded Australian Securities Exchange - 2006
52KB 03/12/2006
School students outperform the market benchmark - Media Release November 2006
31KB 14/11/2006
Monthly Trading Report for ASX and SFE Markets - October 2006
178KB 01/11/2006
ASX Corporate Governance Council review of the Principles of Good Corporate Governance and Best Practice Recommendations - November 2006
80KB 01/11/2006
Principles of Good Corporate Governance and Best Practice Recommendations - November 2006
227KB 01/11/2006
ASX Coprorate Governance Council Review of Principles of Good Corporate Governance and Best Practice Recommendations - November 2006
393KB 01/11/2006
ASX announces CFO appointment - October 2006
50KB 30/10/2006
SFE to list a 1-day option on CBOT's mini-sized DowSM future - October 2006
60KB 29/10/2006
2005 Analysis of corporate governance practice disclosure listed trusts
208KB 23/10/2006
ASX review of corporate governance reporting by listed trusts - October 2006
79KB 23/10/2006
Resignation of Company Secretary - October 2006
17KB 09/10/2006
Questions for the Chairman from Shareholders - ASX AGM 2006
98KB 08/10/2006
ASX AGM 2006 Address by Chairman and Managing Director
80KB 08/10/2006
ASX Market Supervision assumes responsibility for ASX Supervisory Review - October 2006
57KB 08/10/2006
ASX AGM 2006 Results
85KB 05/10/2006
Monthly Trading Report for ASX and SFE Markets - October 2006
168KB 03/10/2006
Revised timetable for capital return - 2006
53KB 02/10/2006
SFE to list New Zealand 30 Day Official Cash Rate Futures - September 2006
62KB 21/09/2006
Sydney Futures Exchange Experiences Record Trading Volumes - September 2006
57KB 13/09/2006
Designated Price Makers appointed for Exchange Traded CFDs - September 2006
118KB 05/09/2006
Monthly Trading Report for ASX and SFE Markets - August 2006
176KB 04/09/2006
ASX sells Orient Capital Pty Ltd - September 2006
54KB 31/08/2006
ASX Limited FY Results 2006
131KB 16/08/2006
ASX Media Release - ASX results for FY05/06
74KB 16/08/2006
Transcript of ASX Results Analyst Briefing 2006
79KB 16/08/2006
Transcript of ASX Results Analyst Briefing - August 2006
91KB 16/08/2006
ASX Annual Report 05/06
1MB 14/08/2006
Monthly Trading Report for ASX and SFE Markets - July 2006
190KB 01/08/2006
Appendix 3X - Initial notice of director's interest - July 2006
117KB 26/07/2006
Appendix 3X - Initial notice of director's interest - July 2006
119KB 26/07/2006
Appendix 3Z - Final Director's Interest Notice - July 2006
139KB 26/07/2006
Appendix 3Y - Change of Director's Interest - July 2006
89KB 26/07/2006
Appendix 3X - Initial notice of director's interest - July 2006
134KB 25/07/2006
ASX Executive Appointments - July 2006
55KB 25/07/2006
Tony D'Aloisio - Terms of separation - July 2006
56KB 24/07/2006
Appendix 3B - July 2006
177KB 24/07/2006
ASX Markets Supervision Organisation chart - 2006
19KB 14/07/2006
Terms of contract for new Managing Director and CEO - July 2006
92KB 13/07/2006
Appendix 3B - July 2006
168KB 10/07/2006
ASX Final Dividend, Retirement of ASX Directors, Resignation and appointment of Company Secretary - July 2006
53KB 06/07/2006
Federal Court Approves ASX-SFE Merger - July 2006
44KB 06/07/2006
Calculation of Cash and Share Alternative - 2006
59KB 03/07/2006
ASX Markets Supervision finalised - July 2006
65KB 03/07/2006
June 2006 Volume Update
49KB 03/07/2006
ASX launches intra-day Corporate Action service - July 2006
76KB 03/07/2006
SFE Half Year Report 2006
147KB 29/06/2006
ASX Markets Supervision: new structure to operate from 1 July 2006
68KB 28/06/2006
ASX and Finsia launch professional Financial Adviser accreditation program - June 2006
60KB 26/06/2006
Statement by Tony D'Aloisio - June 2006
22KB 13/06/2006
Joint announcement by ASX and SFE - June 2006
31KB 13/06/2006
ASX to retain two-month reporting deadlines - June 2006
71KB 07/06/2006
ASX obtains Treasurer's approval - June 2006
51KB 05/06/2006
ASX Record Volumes - May 2006
45KB 04/06/2006
ASX SFE - Fact Sheet 2006
30KB 31/05/2006
Index Changes Questions and Answers - 2006
90KB 31/05/2006
ASX: Record date for dividend - May 2006
48KB 29/05/2006
Court approves SFE shareholders meeting to consider proposed merger with ASX - May 2006
94KB 29/05/2006
SDIA - Speech by Tony D'Aloisio - May 2006
256KB 25/05/2006
ASX/Russell Long-Term Investing Report (to December 2005)
62KB 25/05/2006
ASX/SFE merger gets "green light" from the ACCC - May 2006
54KB 23/05/2006
Significant improvement in corporate governance reporting - May 2006
80KB 21/05/2006
2005 Analysis of Corporate Governance Disclosures
209KB 21/05/2006
Selected Securities of Foreign Incorporated Entities Quoted on ASX - 2006
129KB 18/05/2006
New Real-time resources and Mining Indicies for the Australian Market - 2006
207KB 17/05/2006
The Index treatment of Foreign Domiciled entities
258KB 17/05/2006
Growing Retail Investor Sophistication - Results of ASX Share Ownership Study 2007
70KB 16/05/2006
Disruption to SEATS trading - May 2006
51KB 14/05/2006
Update on ASX Premises Review - May 2006
50KB 11/05/2006
S&P and ASX to Review Index Treatment of Foreign-Domiciled Companies: Two New Resource Indices Announced - May 2006
60KB 05/05/2006
ASX Market Announcement - ASX quarterly Update 9 months to 31 March 2006
80KB 23/04/2006
ASX Market Announcement - Update on ASX Pricing Review - April 2006
121KB 23/04/2006
ASX and SFE Merger Proposal - April 2006
28KB 12/04/2006
Merger of ASX and SFE presentation - 2006
437KB 26/03/2006
ASX & SFE proposed merger - transcript of analyst briefing - 2006
78KB 26/03/2006
ASX and SFE announce merger proposal - March 2006
84KB 26/03/2006
ASX & SFE Merger Implementation Keys Terms - March 2006
54KB 26/03/2006
ASX welcomes positive ASIC assessment - March 2006
59KB 09/03/2006
Corporate Governance statements: who reads them and why?
84KB 05/03/2006
ASX to introduce FIX standard to market data services - February 2006
72KB 22/02/2006
Attention ASX Company Announcements platform Lodgement of Open Briefing - February 2006
40KB 20/02/2006
ASX Half-year financial report December 05
1MB 16/02/2006
ASX Half Year Results 2006 Presentation: Q&A Session
93KB 16/02/2006
ASX Half-Year Results February 2006
98KB 16/02/2006
ASX Financial Results HY Presentation December 2005
62KB 16/02/2006
ASX Results for HY 2005
103KB 16/02/2006
Proposed merger between ASX and SFE - 2006
30KB 14/02/2006
Industry as a self regulator: Does it work?' - ASIC Summer School 2006
49KB 12/02/2006
Record trading volumes in the 90 Day Bank Bill Futures and 3 Year Intra-Day Options contracts - January 2007
41KB 24/01/2006
Record trading volumes in the d-cypha SFE electricity futures market - January 2007
43KB 18/01/2006
ASX Media Release - ASX 2005 Year End Statistics
130KB 17/01/2006
ASX/Russell Long-Term Investing Report - 2005
234KB 14/12/2005